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Is this a dictatorship?


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Hmmm i do recall that thread from Calliton? oh right TheCalliton now, i keep forgeting that.:teehee: :teehee:


Posts random image in the last poster wins.

Edited by Thor.
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I agree with that thread's OP, and this thread's OP. This is a dictatorship. A large majority of the staff here have an insatiable lust for power and control, a thing that I see quite often among communities nowadays.

Well... while I'm quite glad that you didn't make a list, as it could have been construed as attacking members of the staff.... I do have to admit curiosity as to who those staffers would be. Tho for the reason stated prior, I'm speaking only hypothetically, because posting that list would be.... bad. So yeah, don't do that.

Power. Hmmm. Lets see. I can help people from getting into fights. I can try to help people stay out of trouble. I have the power to protect my community from illegal activities. I have the AWESOME power to rid the site and forums of spambots!!! :D


Freedom of speech = freedom of trolling (as long as it doesn't get over the edge), there's nothing wrong with voicing your opinion. If Robin or the other staff members think there is, then they don't understand the basic principle of life: humans are born with natural GOD-GIVEN rights, that NO ONE may take away. This applies to only the US? No. It applies to EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE.

Ummmm.... You have the freedom to choose to say or type whatever you want to. You just have to accept the consequences for it, if it violates the site rules.



Also, Robin, Sarah Palin is not a dictator. She's a great lady who is probably the only person who can save the US from the doom it's destined for. Do your research before slamming a person.


@Coreypikes - The Nexus sites aren't fun anymore, nor is the community as nice as it was. I've seen this change in the past year I've been here.

I blame bad parenting in this one.

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DarkeWolf, you're not in the list. ;)


That's exactly what I'm trying to say. That I have the freedom to post whatever I want. I may not agree with being banned for a stupid reason, but I nonetheless still have that freedom of speech no matter what.


And what, may I ask, do you mean by that last part? (The bad parenting part)

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I have rights that can't be taken away by anyone. One of them is freedom of speech. I am not worthless, I have a purpose in the master plan. Death is a path that most all must take, but it isn't the end. In this, I am blessed to know my destination after death.


Also, you can throw me into the pit, you can attack me from every way, but know this: I will not stand down; I could even die physically, but then I would go from doing right, straight into paradise, so yeah.


You do have freedom of speech but you should use it responsibly, failure to do so does have consequences. Defaming someone could cost you a lot of money, insulting the wrong persons mother could cost you your teeth, insulting your employer could cost you your job.


Failure to act responsibly here results in the loss of membership, after all this site is not obliged to provide you with a platform for your free speech.


You talk a lot about rights but you need to understand that with rights come responsibilities and that actions do have consequences.

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Jim- I think thats pretty much what Joquan was saying in his last post ;)


Joquan- always glad to hear that I'm not on the hatelist :D


The bad parenting comment..... well......

You were talking about how the site hasn't been as much fun as it was about a year ago.

Part of the reason for that is that a lot of the modders and regs from then have moved on to other games.

Another part, is because a ton of newer gamers have joined up.


Now PLEASE do not get me wrong, I'm not trying to say anything bad about the younger generation in general. But it was "kinda-sorta" a joke about kids now days.

Meh, and it's my fall-back. Its like... whenever there's something really bad in the world, I'm saying "Blame Congress" Or "I think it's bad parenting".

Not really anything to make anything out of, just one of my more odd quirks ;)

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The best thing for this thread would be to let it die.


Don't feed the animals.


Dernit, hit the edit button instead of the reply button again.... :psyduck:


LOL I think that my email inbox might agree with you there! I'm sure glad I don't pay by the kb!


BTW- sorry to be the bearer of bad news Rev, but your sig is outside the preferred size limit :( http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/1721-avatars-and-signature-limits/

Get out the hot pokers, we got a sig violation!!!

Just kidding Rev, tho yeah.... if you wouldnt mind trimming down the sig, that'd be awesome ;)


EDIT by LHammonds: Strike #1 for double-posting. lol

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The best thing for this thread would be to let it die.


Don't feed the animals.


Dernit, hit the edit button instead of the reply button again.... :psyduck:


LOL I think that my email inbox might agree with you there! I'm sure glad I don't pay by the kb!


BTW- sorry to be the bearer of bad news Rev, but your sig is outside the preferred size limit :( http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/1721-avatars-and-signature-limits/

Get out the hot pokers, we got a sig violation!!!

Just kidding Rev, tho yeah.... if you wouldnt mind trimming down the sig, that'd be awesome ;)


How? Is it too wide? Too many images?

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How? Is it too wide? Too many images?


Heh... well.... Ok.... NOW I can give a public demonstration of how the staff sometimes handles errors!

Eh, Sorry Rev my bad. I closed a tab that I had open and your sig just shrunk down to about half the size it was when I made the earlier comment. It was like, 4 inches tall when I first saw it :wacko:


:wallbash: :wallbash:

Graphical error due to my browser. But I should have checked that, before I said anything. Really sorry to make you worry :(

But can we still use the hot pokers? I'll volunteer my ex gf's hubby for it!

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