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Is this a dictatorship?


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The site is property of Dark0ne. The rules are his to make.


Personally I think that the rules are fair enough. The rules coupled with the moderating staff makes this site a haven from the trolls that roam the massive virtual wasteland know as the internet. The rules really aren't that hard to follow.

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The site is property of Dark0ne. The rules are his to make.


Personally I think that the rules are fair enough. The rules coupled with the moderating staff makes this site a haven from the trolls that roam the massive virtual wasteland know as the internet. The rules really aren't that hard to follow.




It burns me to no end to go to some sites for my other favorite games where I have mods uploaded and see endless posts in a file's comments thread personally attacking the author of the mod. On those sites such behavior seems to be encouraged by the folks running the place, and it really makes me not want to even visit the sites, let alone upload any more content there.

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We need moderators because 1. no one likes trolls/flamers, 2. there might be little kids who googled "unicorns" and it leads to the forums and its some really horrible erotica novel about unicorns, and 3. to make sure everyone js getting along. But DeepSoul, we do need better representation here. Another forum I'm on, The Total War Center, has a number of different ranks, including the right of being a "citizen". These are guys that have been on the site for years and are constantly trying to improve it. I think that we should have that here, since we are very close to the 2,500,000 member mark, and so that we should have a better right to being heard by the community, instead of just being buried in the forum. Here's the link for the TWC..


Edit: Adolf Dark0ne denies the existence of any resistance movement. Similarly, there are no US tanks in Iraq.

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We need moderators because 1. no one likes trolls/flamers, 2. there might be little kids who googled "unicorns" and it leads to the forums and its some really horrible erotica novel about unicorns, and 3. to make sure everyone js getting along. But DeepSoul, we do need better representation here. Another forum I'm on, The Total War Center, has a number of different ranks, including the right of being a "citizen". These are guys that have been on the site for years and are constantly trying to improve it. I think that we should have that here, since we are very close to the 2,500,000 member mark, and so that we should have a better right to being heard by the community, instead of just being buried in the forum. Here's the link for the TWC..


Edit: Adolf Dark0ne denies the existence of any resistance movement. Similarly, there are no US tanks in Iraq.


I Do think there is something Similar here, but somewhat Unofficial.


Some people and Modders who are known are usually given lovely notes called "strikes" before the Truncheon comes down but for the less prominent members of our beloved society the Hammer falls(or lands, whichever you prefer) the second Big brother notices something is wrong.


Do correct me if I'm wrong.





Edited by Corlan
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I Do think there is something Similar here, but somewhat Unofficial.


Some people and Modders who are known are usually given lovely notes called "strikes" before the Truncheon comes down but for the less prominent members of our beloved society the Hammer falls(or lands, whichever you prefer) the second Big brother notices something is wrong.


Do correct me if I'm wrong.





I'd say that probably has more to do with their post history then their apparent "popularity". I'd say a moderator usually first has a look at a member's post history before deciding what action to take.


For example: Just look at the latest member Myrmaad banned. She obviously had a little look at that member's post history.

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it's not a dictatorship nor a democracy, it's a private property.

for example, if you own a library, you allow people to come and to read your books, and maybe to pay and to rent them.

but i guess you don't want they come and tear a page, listen loud music and break the tables.

it's the same thing here. Dark0ne owns the site, and allow user to upload and download mods. we can pay to have more things, but he's still the owner. he decides of what we can and cannot do.


I think this sums it up the best. Awesome post Rebel :)

This is esssentially, Robin's house. Internet house, yes, but house still. When you go into somebody's house, you go in with the understanding that you abide by their house rules. Nobody wants somebody in their home who is starting up trouble, picking fights, insulting members of the family, tearing stuff up and leaving their messes around, or spilling stuff all over their floor, or yelling and screaming and waking up the neighbors.

Some people have house rules about what you can and can't bring into their house. Same with here. Some people don't want illegal drugs in their home.... Robin doesn't want illegal content in his. That's his right. Some people say that you have to wear some modicum of clothing in their house... Robin says the same thing about the imageshare. Is that unfair?


Some people don't agree with some of the rules. Thats their right. But they need to do so quietly. And take it up with the person making the rules. Not with the general public.

What? Is rioting on an internet website going to have any kind of effect?

Some people don't agree with the way that a staffer handles a situation. That's their right. But they need to do so quietly. Take it up in private with the staffer who performed the action. Or take it up with the leader of the house, Robin.

I've had members who have POLITELY PM'd me, when they felt that I'd taken a wrong action, or that I may have misunderstood what was going on. Both on their own behalves, and for the behalf of others. And in situations where there were errors made, the situation is corrected.


I've been active on some very big sites before. And I've run a few small sites before. I can tell you that when the membership is smaller, the rules can be more relaxed. But when the membership grows, things start to get wacky, and you have to assert some levels of control, or things start going to crap REALLY fast.

Its just the nature of the business, when you've got a large population.


Is this a democracy? No it isn't. Is it a dictatorship? Dictators don't let you appeal. Dictators don't hear the complaints from their people, and tell their army that they need to chill out and not rush into the situations.

Robin HAS heard these complaints. He has seen the things that people are saying. And I know that you all aren't aware of it, but he HAS been on us about the way that things have been/are being handled.

It may not seem like it, but there's been a lot more exceptions made, and leniency given, than when I started my staff position.

Robin and Lon are largely responsible for that. They do care about what's going on here with the site, and they do care about the members.


Robin- good one :thumbsup:

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The rules are easy to follow, it's not like we try to ban people, there is just an endless stream of idiots who come around trying to turn this place into garbage like a good portion of the rest of the internet. (almost) Every ban which is done is made public, and is usually supported with some shred of evidence as to why the ban was issued. Aside from genuine mistakes few bans are given that weren't deserved in one way or another.


Most of our rules are the sorts of things most should have learned in kindergarten... No calling names, no starting fights, no stealing from others, no bringing pornography to class (ok, maybe highschool with the last one). Just unlike most places, we enforce these rules. Simple as that.

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The rules are easy to follow, it's not like we try to ban people, there is just an endless stream of idiots who come around trying to turn this place into garbage like a good portion of the rest of the internet. (almost) Every ban which is done is made public, and is usually supported with some shred of evidence as to why the ban was issued. Aside from genuine mistakes few bans are given that weren't deserved in one way or another.


Most of our rules are the sorts of things most should have learned in kindergarten... No calling names, no starting fights, no stealing from others, no bringing pornography to class (ok, maybe highschool with the last one). Just unlike most places, we enforce these rules. Simple as that.


Exactly. It really just boils down to "don't be a jerk" and "don't be a whiny baby when people tell you you're wrong", as far as I'm concerned. If you go to a house party and start being unpleasant, you might very well get thrown out and the host might very well end up never inviting you back or wanting anything to do with you because you scored a big, fat zero for Etiquette 101.

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This forums not a dictatorship it more akin to a Feudal Kingdom. The Dark One rules by divine right of ownership and he has his Barons, the moderators who hold their position by giving service to the crown. There are the Premium members who are the Yeomanry and the free members who are the Peasants. As long as each caste doesn't overstep it's bounds the kingdom wends it's merry way. Just the two cents of one of the loyal peasants ( bows low to the crown). Edited by Aurielius
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Did I ever say that freedom of speech = trolling? Did I ever say I wanted to change the rules? NO. So stop interpreting my post that way and start defending the rules.*yawn* In my opinion a little harmless trolling is just entertaining to read, unless it's insulting but that's just me, you don't need to care about that. Everyone has their level of toleration and the site has to set it on the lowest level, because most people are sensitive. Most people can't watch a horror flick or read controversial posts without feeling the need to bring the torches. It's just how it is.
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