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Is this a dictatorship?


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Dictators? No! Seriously!

If I think of the Moderators here on the site then i have mostly LHammonds and bben46 in my head wearing casual clothes and giving tech support. Nice guy's that could live next door that know theire way around tech mods and support. Mostly I see them as the examples of this sites and I know it is a bit biased.

So i think of the Moderators rather as helpful supporters of my interests that work hard to maintain this site to keep us save and sound.

(example) I recently saw a ban carried out from myrmaaad .. was one of the politest bans of a troll i saw.

If this is a dictatorship, it is carried out not well, If this watching out the rules of this site then it is carried out well.

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I am very disappointed that drawing and quartering has now been removed as an option from our list of possible punishments. :whistling:

Yes, but we're still allowed liberal usage of hot skewers, so cheer up.


But in all seriousness, it's not about bowing to staff, or even being extra courteous. Frankly, I get annoyed when I know someone is trying to suck up to me or some other member of staff. The rules are easy, the environment is usually helpful and relaxed... We don't enforce the rules for the sake of the rules, we enforce them so that the environment doesn't go to crap and this place becomes just as bad as some sites out there.


Think of moderators less of rulers or police, and more like super heroes from Silver Age comics.





Dark0ne you cheeky one you, lol! :laugh: Great answer a couple of pages back.


I like this ^^ Vagrant. It is also good to know and cleared up a question I had over a couple of potential bans. I hate to see folks doing the suck up thing, since the vibe around here doesn't reinforce the necessity for it anyway.


For those of you that feel they may be harsh, trust me, count your lucky stars. Not so long ago I was a moderator of the poetry section of a large adult community. My section ran well, with very few problems during the 3-4 years I was coordinator. However, the section designated as the "Anything Goes" discussion forums was a friggin free-for-all. I honestly felt (and still do) that admin LOVED a good cat/dog/heathen/fool fight!


I've seen folks call each other names in flaming fight thread arguments that would go on for up to a week. Admin would do very little, if anything to put that nonsense to a screeching halt. Someone said a bit of conflict or trolling is amusing, well....it can be, but in these cases I mention, it was downright ignorant and atrocious. The board had fakers, fake profiles complete with pics! Items or language supposedly not allowed would be allowed, if only for the duration of 8-12 hours so the riot could be well incited by the time they mosied over to remove it. If someone did get banned, within 5 minutes, no lie, they could have a new profile up and running, continuing their reign of terror. Many folks had multiple accounts so that their "evil alters" could insult people, while the nice alters could ride the fence and just stir the pot, or watch on in glee at all the crap they'd started.


Banning was a joke. I once had a person plagiarize her poetry. With my ninja search skills and instructor's spidey sense, I found the exact works. The offender hadn't even bothered to copy and retype. The whole piece was copied and pasted onto the thread. They got tons of compliments and kudos, when all along this wasn't even the poster's work! I as moderator called her out, informed admin, waited for instruction, and it never came. Not even a note to let me know they would read and review. SO I had to then introduce blanket statements, rules and examples of plagiarism to warn anyone that those types of infractions were scandalous and would cause shunning of that person's work if they were not banned by admin.


Poor communication by admin with moderators/leaders in the different sections. So being clever and resourceful we learned to work around that and still try to maintain a fairly healthy, cohesive group in those sections. We got a LOT of lemons, thus we made lemonade when we needed to.


So here, while "I" may not agree with an action taken by a mod or admin, I remember that as a member I am not priivy to EVERYthing that goes on behind the scenes. That's where faith in this system, and those who maintain, it comes in. We must trust that they are acting for the greater good and have taken all aspects of the problem/situation into account as they make their rulings. In fact, it reinforces my feeling on that as I'm reading the mod and admin comments here in this thread. They are honest enough to say- hey we ARE taking care of this, might be different than you would, but we're doing our best, even though you might not like, agree, or know all the implications of the actions we take.


Again I say trust, a little trolling often blooms into a full fledged flame war complete with a side order of cheap shot name calling (even down to the mamas, grandmamas, and babies being used as ammo!) personal button pushing and downright bullying. And the clique action was over the top. During my total time there, I saw many good members flip the bird to the offending members on their way out of what had become a messy, petty brawl spot.


This eventually lead to the site having to downsize. I was long gone by that time. It was like the rise and fall of a great empire. Very sad, since many GOOD things were there in the form of information, thoughtful debate, and loyal friendships. I don't miss it, but I do miss my section. Once I took over, it grew exponentially and the participants turned out some really quality, publish worthy work, myself included. I don't know which was worse that site, or the one where I had all my posts removed because I'd written in color and that was considered to be drawing attention, disrupting the board, or some other illogical explanation. :confused: I left there with the quickness! I'm grateful that I'm free to be me here. When my text is too dark or light someone (usually a gracious fellow member), lets me know via PM or in the threaad, so then I can correct the color and keep it moving. I love my colored text :tongue:


So two things I learned- 1. The admin-mod system here is well oiled. They work as a team under a leader who they respect, and he respects them back. 2. The community is safe, you'll rarely be bullied (not for long anyway) or have your work stolen, be called names or any of the other foolishness we had back at the other site.


And of course the community is invited to get involved through the use of PMing and the REPORT button. Use 'em, they really work! :thumbsup: If we see questionable things/behaviors, a moderator or admin is never too far away and takes care of it as soon as they can. So action is decisive and quick. Again, this keeps conflict and drama to a minimum. There will ALWAYS be conflict on sites, especially ones of this size comprised of various ages, genders, cultures, ethnicities, et.al. It's all about how those things are handled, and even in this thread, you can see the majority of us feel things are being handled as saavy as possible in an environment such as this. Besides, a bit of cold water on a skewer wound, followed by antibiotic ointment will have you fixed up in no time ;)


ANYway, just my 4 cents, cause Lord knows I talked way past two lol! :whistling:

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I come here because of the moderators. It's safe here. When I want a forum that's more rough and tumble, I go to RPG Codex. for me, that's easy, but there are some people that want to apply GIFT (look it up, I shouldn't post about it here) wherever they go.

Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer?? The dirty rascals!

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We serve under the mighty Rob Castro! ALL WILL FEAR THE NEXUS! MUAHAQHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


Well now, this is a silly thread. The Nexus is privatly owned, therefore it has its own rules. This is more like a club than a dictatorship. Clubs have rules

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He also needs to figure out some way of magically locking down your pc and placing an exlosive charge in it, so that once you enter a Nexus site you never get to leave it unless you want to risk doing a runner and him clicking that detonator :tongue:


Anyway, the previous poster summed it up nicely.

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This may unveil some information on how he made the sites; I read it once upon a time...



Now there's a trip down Memory Lane! I don't recall whether it was Morrowind Mod Library or Morrowind Chronicles that I originally joined, though it was probably Morrowind Mod Library. Since then I've followed along with each of Dark0ne's creations and I hope he's finally managed to create the site(s) he always wanted! For anyone who really wants to stay around this community it's as simple as following the site rules, just remember that Dark0ne owns these sites and therefore he gets to make the rules that everyone else should follow. But think on this, if Dark0ne is really as bad as some people try to make him out to be, would he have been running so many successful sites for the last 10 years? Realistically, if it wasn't for Dark0ne and his very dedicated team of Admins and Moderators these sites wouldn't exist and neither would this community! :thumbsup:


One of these days I'll give Dark0ne a surprise and pay for a lifetime membership! :ohmy:

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A very entertaining thread indeed.


Allow me to continue the humor with the following summary of all the posts up to this point:



DeepSoul quotes one of Dark0ne's snarky remarks about following the rules and likens Dark0ne to dictator and wishes for a freedom of speech for all.


Several members pounce on the thread saying freedom of speech <> freedom to troll.


Dark0ne enters with one of the funniest replies on the forums:


Clearly this place is a tyranical dictatorship lead by Adolf Dark0ne and his band of crones including such loveable characters as Mao Buddah, Lon Stalin, The Czar Dante, Saddam BBen, Kim Jong Darkewolf, Vladimir Thandal, Kaiser Vagrant0 and....Myrmaad Palin (sorry Myr...).

KDStudios steps in and talks about how to follow the ToS.


BlackRampage points out the irony that KDStudios was once banned.


KDStudios confesses and continues the irony by saying it is not hard to follow the ToS.


Rebel O Conner appears, holds one hand up to the crowd, speaks with great wisdom and then disappears just as fast as he arrived.


Others come on-board and pledge their allegiance to the Nexus stating how it is handled much better than other sites.


More repeat the scroll teachings that was passed down by Rebel O Conner so long ago.


Flopsies tries to start a resistance movement but Dark0ne promptly suppressed it and makes a funny reference to my all-time favorite minister of dis-information.


DarkeWolf posts a long wall of text preaching love, peace and fair application of rules.


Aurielius adds a very funny comment:


This forums not a dictatorship it more akin to a Feudal Kingdom. The Dark One rules by divine right of ownership and he has his Barons, the moderators who hold their position by giving service to the crown. There are the Premium members who are the Yeomanry and the free members who are the Peasants. As long as each caste doesn't overstep it's bounds the kingdom wends it's merry way. Just the two cents of one of the loyal peasants ( bows low to the crown).

DeepSoul comes back and is offended by Aurielius' post (by not getting the humor) and notes that he likes a little harmless trolling now and again. That immediately made me think of guys slapping female waitresses on the butt thinking that is just as harmless. :tongue:


Dark0ne re-enters with more humor by referencing a quote from Oblivion's guards and does some role-playing by describing how servants tend to him under his Kingdom.


More members join in on the role-playing.


DarkeWolf extends his arms to the community and preaches more peace, love and wisdom.


DeepSoul is sated by DarkeWolf and begins to role-play as well.


KDStudios sucks up to the moderators.


bben46 enters the fray with obvious dislike for the more "peace, love and wisdom" talk and wants more drawing and quartering.


Vagrant0 re-assures bben46 that even though horses can no longer be used in punishment, there are still other painful tools of the trade to utilize...and also notes his annoyance with those that suck up.


BlackBaron2 goes on a rant and finishes it with the word "Eurotrash" (A+)


KDStudios sucks up a bit more in defiance to Vagrant0 for additional irony.


SilverDNA shows up and likens LHammonds and bben46 to casual-wearing tech support guys. Dang, role-playing firmly ended and reality sets in.


Netwit2008 posted a wall of text about something. (TL;DR)


TheCalliton tries to bring back the role-playing that was squashed by SilverDNA.


Grizzly_UK, an old and crusty member, takes a sip of wine and enjoys a ride down memory lane.

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KDStudios sucks up a little more to LHammonds cake of text.

Heh that is a funny but somewhat accurate summary of the entire Topic haha.


Bring on the trumpets.


If premium are Yeomanry and normal users are Peasants.

What are ex-premiums/Supporters like me? Lollypop men? :P

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