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Leveled Lists


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I have a question about making/editing Leveled Lists with FO4Edit.


I'm looking for what "Chance" means in the "Leveled List Entry."


For Example


Level 1

Reference Rad-X

Count 3

Chance 798


Level means what level the character has to me for the item to show up. In this case Level 1.

Reference is the item that will show up. In this case Rad-X.

Count is how many. 3.

Chance. This I don't get. Sometimes there is a Zero, does that mean Always? Is 50 a 50% chance? Is 25 a 25% chance? What does a number over 100 mean?


Thanks for the help.


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No, this isn't the Chance None entry. I know what that is too. This is just Chance, listed with Level, Reference, and Count, like I showed in the OP.

Get into the beta testing of CK and check yourself. This is a new field added in Fallout 4 and "chance" is a guessed name. It could be something different like flags for example.

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No, this isn't the Chance None entry. I know what that is too. This is just Chance, listed with Level, Reference, and Count, like I showed in the OP.

Get into the beta testing of CK and check yourself. This is a new field added in Fallout 4 and "chance" is a guessed name. It could be something different like flags for example.



I would have applied, but they closed the thread before I even heard about it. So, I guess it is an "Unknown" outside of the Beta. Got it.



Edited by Loxly
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