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Hitman Absolution - Petition for the Original Voice Actor


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David Bateson, the Voice bheind Agent 47 from the Hitman series aswell as the physical appearence is no longer voice Hitman, despite his desire to:


David Bateson, the voice actor for Hitman's Agent 47 since the start of the series, has been dropped for Hitman: Absolution according to reports.


The latest issue of Edge contains a lengthy Hitman piece, including the news that "47′s voice actor will not be returning". One member of the Hitman forums claims to have contacted Bateson by email, and received the following reply: "The absolute truth is: no one from IO Interactive is answering my calls, e-mails or sms. Feeling very let down at the moment but I haven’t heard personally."


It's not confirmed whether this email is genuine and it has since been removed "by request" from the forums.


One of the earliest 'exclusives' about Hitman: Absolution was given to The Hollywood Reporter and suggested that "a dozen" hollywood actors would be appearing in the game. Agent 47's role was not mentioned in that article, but perhaps IO Interactive no longer consider Bateson to be 'high profile' enough for their series.


An interesting side note to the whole affair is that Bateson was one of the first people to semi-confirm rumours of a fifth Hitman title, publishing details on his website of his work on Hitman 5.


Source: hitmanforum.com


Info on Bateson:




David Bateson (born February 9, 1960) is a South African Canadian actor known best for providing the voice of Agent 47, the protagonist of IO Interactive's computer and video game series Hitman.


"I, Draken, am appauled about this. I still am unsure like the reports say that this is not true but it is worrying.


There is a Online petition to IO Interactive (Really I think its Square Enix who has changed it) that over 1200 people have signed and left comments here:


To: IO Interactive

We believe that David Bateson is the voice of Agent 47, and as such we believe that he should be given the role of 47 in the upcoming game Hitman: Absolution.


David Bateson is a hallmark of the series and removing him would make the game feel less authentic.


We ask whoever made the casting decision to please reconsider their decision, as a Hitman game without David Bateson is not, and never will truly be a Hitman game.




The Undersigned


Can be found Here.


If you are a die hard Fan such as I am, I would sign this Petionion without hesitation and Rant and Rave at IO Interactive for days on end to NOT change Voice Actors before they make a Grave mistake for us all.



Edited by DrakenGuard
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NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! It cannot be Hitman without the original voice, it would be silly. Bring him back!
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That sucks. He did an awesome job providing the voice for Agent 47, why replace him? His cold and calm voice is what makes Agent 47 who he is.


Hell, American McGee and EA did their best to bring us the old voice actors and actresses for the new Alice game. Kudos to them for that. I wonder if this decision was made by Square Enix or IO Interactive themselves.

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I thought it was a silent protagonist type thing. Maybe I haven't gotten far enough in the games.


Nah, he talks every now and then, especially in Blood Money, and especially when the agency contacts him to give him an update during a mission.

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