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NPCs run in fear?


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I've been looking for, but have been unable to find a MOD that makes all NPCs flee from the player for the purpose of having a dark/evil character. I'm relatively new to the modder community, so I wouldn't really know where to start making a MOD that would accomplish this. I'm not sure if it could be done by using demoralize as a constant effect on all NPCs, but even if it can, I don't know how to make that work. Anyway, if anyone knows of a mod that has this effect, or would be willing to make one, please let me know. If it can't be done in a practical way, then I'd like to know about that too. Thanx in advance all!
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never done but become a Vampire in the game, you will be feared and hated by others in the game, check out the first sticky on Vampirism in Oblivion Spoilers Section of this forum should be what your looking for.
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The Grey Fox's cowl does that kinda thing for somem people - take a look at it in the cosntruction set to see if that gives you any clues
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get a demoralize spell, gets folks running away, get it for delphine Jend in Bravil Mages hall or Ramanus Pollus and Ita Rienus in the Arcane university


if you have frostcraige mod you can use the spell alters, though you need to have one basic spell before you can create stronger ones,


Demoralize can be added to weapons, checked, hoped it would work on clothing items so it could be constant, the grey foxes cowl has been mentioned, and wearing necromancer robes will upset mage members.

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I once used a mod that would cause people to react to the player if they had high scores either way. They would cower if you were incredibly evil or adore you if you were a hero. This is an extremely vague memory... though I clearly remember it existed.


You never really forget people cowering at the sight of you lol.

Perhaps someone will remember the file's name or have a URL.


Edit for punctuation.

Edited by nintai83
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