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Eyes rolled around bug (with image)

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Hi, recently I have fully reinstalled my Oblivion thus started over fresh. I have installed the mod Oblivion Character Overhaul and I couldn't help but notice something very bizarre about the new eyes added to the characters, for some reason their eyes are rolled around in their head and it looks very weird and messed up.

Take a look at it here on one of the races http://i1.imgrr.com/y6/4292_Eyeerror.png

As you can see it looks very messed up and disturbing and I would like to know a fix to it because I don't exactly want to replay my oblivion with characters that have their eyes rolled around in their head.

If anyone knows what may be causing this problem or even know a fix to it, please let me know and I would very much appreciate it.

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This is caused by other mods as well. Any two mods that try to change the eyes can do strange things. And some mods you would not expect do make changes to the eyes - such as custom race mods. Sometimes you can swap the load order to fix it, but often you just have to make the decision to drop one of the mods entirely.

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