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FNV: very weird blackscreen bug after startup


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Hey ho guys,

I have a really strange bug in this game which is not mentioned in any forum I visited yet, if someone knows the following issue and may offer help I'd be really glad.

Ok so the thing is every time I start Fallout New Vegas at first everything seems to be normal, but at the point the actual main menu should appear the screen gets black. But the game does not crash. Weirdest part: sounds occur, while the main menu theme is still playing, as if I started a new game (in fact it's the sounds playing when waking up at DocMitchell in the very beginning) and I get messages that my DLCs are loaded. But after these messages disappear the screen remains black with only my health bar and AP bar visible, so it's not crashed or froze. I can't access any ingame menu. As I said this all happens at the very time the main menu should occur, which I find even stranger. There is no way for me to play the game...

EDIT: This happened for the first time yesterday after I accidently launched the game via 4GB Loader twice at a time.

I have tried to reinstall the game and used the steam launcher aswell as the 4gb, deavtivated all my mods/plugins (130 in total. But there is nothing wrong with load ordner since I did not change anything there and it always worked fine until yesterday, when this bug occured the first time) but I couldn't help it. There are no threads in any forum I visited describing the very same problem so idk what do do... If anyone has ideas to solve this I'd very appreciate <3 Thanks for reading this and ofc thanks alot for any help provided!

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This sounds very similar to a missing texture problem, but as it is a missing menu or "User Interface" (UI) it's probably an XML file issue. Just to be clear: you get the loading screens but when the last one should appear and then display the text of the menu for "continue, load, save, etc." you just get a black screen? No background image or text in the foreground once it reports loading DLCs? Or are those choices there and it doesn't go black until you actually get into the game (i.e. Doc Mitchell's office)? (A screenshot would help. You are so new to the forum you will need to upload elsewhere and provide a link here.)


What HUD/UI/Menu mods are you using, and in which order did you install them?


Have you recently uninstalled or installed any mods that have XML files (which includes mods that add themselves to MCM or Weapon Mod Manager, etc.)?



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Thanks for your answer,


Yes the black screen occurs in place of the main menu text, I mean after the Obsidian/Bethesda/"Please Stand By" screens, when this ranger should appear and "continue/load/etc" there is just this blackscreen.


I actually have installed MCM, UIO, oHUD and Primary Needs Hud, all in this order. Then I have a loading screen and main menu screen replacer but this I have since 3 months so I don't think that to be a problem. Other mods which probably have XML files are Flashlight NVSE, Hitmarker (I've installed these two just some days ago), and Project Nevada.


Here two screenshots, the first one of a DLC report, the last one of my game when no more reports are coming in:



The HP/AP bar s are kinda crippled though


I hope this is helpful for you :)

Edited by Tetraphobic
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Yeah, from those images and that info I'm pretty sure this is an XML "install order" problem. Couple of points:


1. oHUD download page says:

One HUD (oHUD) is the final coming together of all my HUD mods. For those of you who enjoyed using all three, but wished they would just come in one handy mod, this is it. When you install this you get three mods listed in MCM: Immersive HUD, Adjustable HUD and Extra HUD (formerly know as Primary Needs HUD).


Therefor you don't need the separate "Primary Needs HUD", which is probably conflicting with oHUD.


2. UIO needs to be installed last.


3. FlashlightNVSE needs to be installed after oHUD. (Hit Marker may need to be also: I don't know. I suggest you uninstall it until you get the rest working and then test it.)


4. Loading screen replacers are essentially the same thing as "texture replacers", so their install order only matters in which file you want to "win". However, some may make changes to XML files in order to get their specific unique filenames used, so I would check to see if they have any XML files in the package. If so, move them before the following set of mods.


So, from the various instructions and what works for me is installing in the following sequence ("-numbers" are Nexus mod numbers):


1. MCM-42507
2. MCM Bugfix 2-42507
3. oHUD-44757
4. FlashlightNVSE122-39968
5. UIO-57174

Note that you should reinstall all of these (though Flashlight is not necessary) after you install/uninstall any other Menu/HUD/UI mods because these in particular need to see those XML files once they have been installed at the time these mods are installed. Just deactivating and reactivating doesn't work. As a general rule of thumb, all other Menu/HUD/UI mods should be installed prior (i.e. higher / lower numbered order) to these. Of course there are always exceptions (such as Flashlight) that you won't know about until they give a similar problem or just won't show up. In those cases, initially try placing them after oHUD but always before UIO.


The thing to remember about XML files is some have the exact same name as used by other mods (most commonly "start_menu.xml"), which means they will overwrite them and last installed wins. In many cases these files are essentially the same and compatible with other mods. In some cases however (such as Darnified UI), they add extensive additional or changed entries but may be missing something another needs. I cover this issue with DarnUI in detail in the post "MCM error: 'DarNified UI has been detected in the HUD but not the Start Menu'" but it can apply to any duplicated XML file. Sometimes you have to make a choice, or manually edit the XML to create a merged version.


BTW: If a UI mod doesn't indicate that it supports UIO, the Nexus download page has easy instructions on how to add that support yourself.



Edited by dubiousintent
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Again thank You for your answer,


I've completely de- and reinstalled all my interface mods and now everything works fine!
Now there is just a little error with oHUD as it does not seem to be installed properly but I'll certainly fix this myself soon :smile:


Your precise advices have been very helpfull though, I really appreciate your kindness regarding the time you took to help me!


Have a nice day and really thanks for everything <3

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