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I know, you can build toilets in Fallout, but as there is no water supply, they seem rather useless. So an outhouse would be a primitive but nether the less better option. Because of this, I request an outhouse for Fallout 4.


There is already a modder resource for Skyrim, what uses only custom meshes: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/32056/?

Maybe anyone could port it to Fallout and give it some proper textures, so we could use it in the workshop?

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I don't see any words that this resource is for Skyrim use only. But if that is a problem, I will ask for permission first.


I could also put the esp file together, but I need someone who is able to port the meshes and give them some textures.

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I don't see any words that this resource is for Skyrim use only. But if that is a problem, I will ask for permission first.


I could also put the esp file together, but I need someone who is able to port the meshes and give them some textures.


Mod authors can select such options under the "Perms" tab, underneath the Unique and total DL counter. And even if they allow conversions, it's just common courtesy to ask them for permission first, really.

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Yes, there is water. But there is no working sewage water system. Of course you can role play and pretend, that the pumps allow toilets to work. But I still prefer an outhouse.



Ah, thanks. Didn't know that. Talked to Tamira, who said a port would be fine as long her and stroti are credited.

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There is more than one way to deal with waste from a toilet, a complex sewage and water system is not the only one. An outhouse is probably the simplest. But there do exist composting toilets that don't require the massive infrastructure investment of an entire water/sewage system. There are even ways to deal with the smell. Then, there is an even higher tech solution of using the same tech as used in a plasma gun to disintegrate the waste.

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