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Hot Files on the TESNexus..


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So, I sit here, wondering.. why the hell has these "Evie" set been the ONLY thing I've seen on the hotfile list in the four weeks? Is this really all people want? Half-naked women wearing skimpy outfits? I mean, c'mon.. give us something new. Something fresh. Something that will get us ready for Skyrim. C'mon people, it's honestly degrading seeing all these half-naked hotfiles while some mods might deserve those hotfile positions more.


It's just.. really -really- annoying, coming here, and seeing those hotfiles haven't changed in weeks. Also, as a note, I'm not a modder, so don't tell me to make my own mods. You're just preaching to a brick wall, I have no interest in coding.

Edited by Onasaki
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I agree, could you not add a filter? I find these mods very stupid and I don't think they deserve to be hot files for 4 weeks. Its either these skimpy stupid outfits or some dumb Anime crap. Once in a while there will be mods on the hot file thing that should be there. Maybe changed the hot files every 2-3 days or something?
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The 'Hot' files are hot because those are the ones that are most downloaded. So evidently, the majority of downloaders don't share your prejudice toward this kind of mod.


As for filters we do have them, you just have to look a little. On the top 100 there are actually 5 lists, including a separate top 100 listing for non-adult mods. Then there is the Advanced search and Tag search which allow much more specific searching.


The Nexus is not a kiddie site and we try to keep anyone under 13 out. It is intended for Mature adults who are not upset seeing a bit of pixel flesh or cartoon violence. The adult mods are not required and if you don't like them, then don't use them. :thumbsup:

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I find this topic, and most of the posters, very funny and immature/pathetic.

You could very well FILTER search results, and find whatever it is you're looking for. Why does it bother you what's on the frontpage? It's not like the TESNEXUS frontpage is filled with images of half-naked anime girls, it's perfect with so many search options. Is there any point to bashing people who love skimpy outfits here? Make you feel really cool by saying "anime s***"? Unfortunately lots and lots of people won't be happy if top 100 list suddenly became filled with half naked musclemachos eh?

It's hot because lots of people download it and it got high ratings, or any other dictionary.com result for what "hot" means, FFS.

Edited by Heartcloud
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Kinda, sorta agree with the topic. Recently I haven't been able to get online or install mods as much so occasionally I'd just do a quick look at the "hot" files, files of the month, and most endorsed in the past 2 weeks just out of simple curiosity and to try to stay somewhat up to date.


When there's something I'm not really interested in it is a tiny bit disappointing, but I can still appreciate the relative quality of it. Usually Oblivion has a decent diversity when it comes to "hot" files, the fallout sites are usually the ones with like one new weapon, and 4 retextures being all the "hot" files. Anyway, while it doesn't enrage me, it does bother me a little bit and being able to personalize what type of mods show up would be nice.


Of the current 5 clothing/armor mods up there I have downloaded two of them; so for me it's not really the content, but the redundancy that bothers me. Maybe have a slider with like:


"Overall top 10 hot mods"

"hot clothing mods"

"hot armor mods"

"hot gameplay mods"

"hot new content mods"( this would cover houses, quests, new dungeons, new landscapes, etc.)

And maybe a few others.


Obviously you couldn't be too specific because some categories don't have any releases for long periods of times.

Edited by JCP768
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No no no no. I already know there's a filter like that. I'm ok with those skimpy outfits and stuff its just It annoys me that they stay hot file for weeks and others mods that I think are more deserving aren't .Also by the way I use the Body mods so its not that I'm immature about half naked\naked cloths mods or whatever.


But what I was talking about for the filter thing I meant to filter out the Hot Files, for example for me since I don't really care much for the skimpy outfits I would like a filter for the HOT FILES so that it doesn't show them and shows other mods that I think are more deserving. Sort of like what the guy 1 post above me is saying.

Edited by Spartan184
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