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Imperial Legion Or Caesar's Legion?


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Imperial Legion Guard: "Stop right there criminal scum, no one breaks the law on my watch!"


You: "I was only putting something I knocked over back up"


Imperial Legion Guard: "Then pay with your blood!"

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Imperial Legion Guard: "Stop right there criminal scum, no one breaks the law on my watch!"


You: "I was only putting something I knocked over back up"


Imperial Legion Guard: "Then pay with your blood!"



haha exactly, total win.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Eh depends, nice to know this lil thread I started is still active of sorts..


When it comes to melee, skill and Armor.


Imperial Legion would win, due to skilled, heavy fighters with inborn fighting ability.

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The Imperial Legion are trained, equipped and experienced.

Caesar's Legion are a bunch of backwards ignorant misogyinst and idiotic cavemen in football gear and ridiculous helmets who ape ancient Rome because their leader has deep and incurable mental problems.


The Imperial Legion wins. Caesar's has guns you say? The Empire has mages. Moreover a large portion of Caesar's Legion don't even use guns, preferring machetes and other melee implements. They carry around exactly one howitzer they can't even fix and operate by themselves because they are too stupid.

The only reason they're a threat in New Vegas at all is by sheer force of numbers which the Imperial Legion at the height of the Empire's power can easily overcome.

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  • 2 months later...

This is an interesting topic, i'm almost tempted to port one over into the otehr and allow them to fight it out deadliest warrior style.. but since im lazy lets just look at the facts!


The Imperial Legion:

They are famous for a reason, very few things can stand against them, from daedra to monsters to criminals, they fight it all, and go rushing in without question. Plus they have the advantage if thick steal armor, and an almost suicidal determination.


Caesars legion:

Their advantage is guns, bombs, and modern weapons. They are a fairly powerful war machine, that conquers the post apocolyptic desert.


In the end the imperial legion will win, every new player to oblivion knows the power of the imperial legion, and trembles at the thought of comitting a crime, where as caesers legion, although fearsome, they are no match for the imperial legion, which is legendary.

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