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Version 1.2 HDR problem


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After I installed the patch 1.2 whenever i enter a door or close the camera to my character (in third person view) the screen becomes completeley blue or green or yellow (but it will gone when i walk away from the door or change the camera position) when hdr is on. i didnt have this problem with version 1.1 or 1.

please tell me how i can fix it.

thanks in advance.

(sorry for my english)

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Excerpted from Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak Guide

HDR Lighting: High Dynamic Range (HDR) lighting is a form of lighting effect which dynamically alters based on the way it interacts with various objects and surfaces, as well as the environment in which the light source is portrayed. Look at the screenshots above for a comparison of the same scene using the default Oblivion lighting, then with Bloom only, then finally with HDR only. It is difficult to capture the true impact of these lighting effects in a compressed JPG screenshot as by definition HDR is dynamic, has a wide color range and is constantly altering. However essentially you can see that the HDR-enabled scene exhibits greater illumination of certain surfaces/light sources, and can be a (arguably) more realistic portrayal of how the human eye interprets light in certain situations (e.g. the added glare of light at the end of a dark tunnel, or when staring at the sun). While being more atmospheric, HDR lighting is more graphics card intensive, and furthermore can only be enabled on the GeForce 6600 series or above, or the ATI X1000 series or newer. HDR is also mutually exclusive with Bloom - one cannot be enabled at the same time as the other. Finally, you also can't enable HDR and Antialiasing at the same time unless you have an ATI X1000 series card or a GeForce 8 series card or newer, and recent Catalyst or Forceware drivers - in both cases you must first enable HDR in the game, and then force enable Antialiasing in your graphics card's control panel for it to work. See the Advanced Tweaking section for ways in which you can alter the visual parameters of HDR to alter its appearance.


Koroush usually mentions if a change was made from one patch level of Oblivion to the next ... did you update video card drivers as well as patch to

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my video card is nvidia but i dont have the black screen problem only different colors like i mentioned and it will happen when i install the shivering isles ( version 1.2.0214) and gets worse when i play more.
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