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List of free and open source softwares

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I searched Nexus Forums for a similar thread/topic, could not find it. So I start this one.

In this topic we share links to useful free/open source -software's.


Also state what the program in question does also. Short description is good.


Archiving software:

7-zip is a file archiver with a high compression ratio. Supported on many different operating systems. from Amiga OS to Windows 7

TUGZip is a file archiver for Windows. It can also view disk image files.

Universal Extractor can extract basically everything including installers such as NSIS and MSI. But it can not create any archivs, only extract.


Audio Software:

foobar2000 is a highly customizeable audioplayer. You can do basically anything with the gui if you know how to do it. Only for MS Windows.

aTunes is a crossplatform audioplayer. It is java based. Context information about similar artists or YouTube videos is also available inside this application.

Billy is a leightweight audioplayer for windows. Runs on Win 95/98/NT/Me/2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008/7/2008 R2. No skins, no mp3 tags, no equalizer, no nonsense - pure audio

Amarok is a audioplayer mainly for the KDE desktop, but can also be used on Gnome, Awesome. It also can be used on windows, but the installer is like 475 mb large. It supports most of the fileformats that exist out there.

Audacious is basically a fork of Beep Media Player, which was a port of winamp but for *nix operatingsystems

Winamp Lite/Full/Bundle are freeware, but you get a little popup time to time about Winamp Pro. Winamp can play basically everything, inclusive different tracker sounds such as .xm, .mod

Wavesurfer is an audio editor widely used for studies of acoustic phonetics. It is a simple but fairly powerful program for interactive display of sound pressure waveforms, spectral sections, spectrograms, pitch tracks and transcriptions. Can be used on any Operating System. From Arch Linux to Windows 7.

Audacity is a crossplatform audio editing software. It can edit mp3's but you need to manually download mp3 lame.

Traverso DAW is a crossplatform recording and editing software.

Image software:

CDispay is an image-viewing application optimized for DRM-free comic books and manga. For Windows, but they have links to similar software for other OS

Irfanview can view basically every image format that exists, and if you install their expansion you can view videofiles aswell. you can use irfanview on windows, and also on Mac OS if you use winebottler. You can do basic editing with the pictures, rezise them etc.

GIMP is an advanced image editing program. Multilingual and open source.


Security Software:

Comodo Internet Security is a Security Suite offered to MS Windows. It includes Anti-malware, Firewall, Antivirus. All for free, they also sell it.

Sygate Personal Firewall is a discontinued Firewall, but it is still very good. It does not have any own site anymore since Symantec bought Sygate. But you can find it Here

Clam Antivirus is a crossplatform antivirus program. and it is open source. Updates it's definfitions several times a day.

Avast is a crossplatform antivirus. The free edition lacks these features: Sandbox mode, Command Line scanner.

Avira Antivir have recieved many awards for it's good performance, and security.

AVG offers a free antivirus, but it takes a lot of resources from the computer.

Microsoft Security Essentials does what the name says. It does nothing more and nothing less.

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Video and video editing software?

The first things that come to mind are Fraps and Sony Vegas, but neither of them are free. (except a trial version for Fraps, dunno about Vegas)

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You should have looked in the WIKI as LHammonds posted most of those (not all though) , along with links to them a long time ago. :thumbsup:


The ones he didn't include could be added - the problem with posting in the forums is the post will slide down off of the front screen in a short time. If we pin every post that is requested, soon the first 4 or so pages of each section would be nothing but pinned topics. :facepalm: So, the original Articles section was created - now supplanted by the WIKI(which is still a work in progress) where things like this can kept in an easy to access location. If you can make a wiki out of this it can be posted there where it will not be lost.


I use the Wiki mainly as a place to put the help files I link people to often. I have a set of small text files on my computer in a special folder. Each text file links to one of my Articles. When someone needs that particular bit of info, I copy/paste the text into the forum post for them - So I don't have to type the same thing over and over. :tongue:

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