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On the fly weapon mod changing.


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True, the majority of barrel mods and scopes would be made in such a way as to require nothing more than a screwdriver at most.

While as we seem to agree barrel attachments and scopes could be just done, maybe the idea of the tool-kits, could be used for more advanced mods e.g. barrel, grip ect.

They could also have x amount of certain materials, so you could mod new weapons in the field, plus any materials that you are carrying.

Edited by ShiranuiMahamayah
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Still interested!

there are:
T.A.S. https://www.nexusmod...t4/mods/15450/?
Portbl Craft Tool https://www.nexusmod...t4/mods/11783/?

But nothing more convenient?
Bethesda, why..? :'( :D

(same topic: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4141435-changing-weapon-mods-in-the-field/ )

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