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What is Your dovakiin's Background

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Wait, is it confirmed we're starting in a prison again?


Whatever story I come up with for my main character will depend on the game mechanics: For me, DPS first, RP second. But here's one I wanna work in somehow: A high-elf who single-handed stole all the pelvises in Alinor, all a part of her epic quest to build a legendary Pelvis Palace! She left for Skyrim to get some more pelvises after Alinor ran out.

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Wait, is it confirmed we're starting in a prison again?


Whatever story I come up with for my main character will depend on the game mechanics: For me, DPS first, RP second. But here's one I wanna work in somehow: A high-elf who single-handed stole all the pelvises in Alinor, all a part of her epic quest to build a legendary Pelvis Palace! She left for Skyrim to get some more pelvises after Alinor ran out.


We don't know if you will be inside a prison, but you did a crime and need to pay for it.




The game begins with your own execution.



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Talos took a soul from the time of morrowind, reincarnated it to oblivion (The soul never got its memories of the past life) and made guards arrest him/her. (I normally go with the "Bar fight due to someone saying the wrong thing and my hero tried to break it up only to get taken in as the guy that caused it" story.) Now, after the time of the deadra invasion of cyrodill, That soul has returned, this time with memories of all of what happened. This time... He knows what he must do!
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Arbelvyn Sensec, Dunmer descendant of Redoran refugees who relocated to Blacklight has been raised to despise the Nords and Argonians who preyed on his weakened ancestors.Fueled by hate, he embarks on a personal quest to lay waste to the bloodlines of the Nordic families that led the assault on Vvardenfel 200 years earlier. He winds up killing a haughty Argonian in a tavern just past the Skyrim border. He is promptly arrested by local authorities.


As his adventures in Skyrim continues he develops a sense of identity in the region and friendships with local residents. He must make the choice to either continue on his quest to satisfy an ancient grudge, or forge his own path of heroism and sympathy, helping the Nords to unite and rise above the turmoil that has befallen the broken nation



Corny, I know, but it should be fun to play

Edited by HouseRedoran
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A wandering rouge Nordic Wizard-warrior. (he is the son of my Breton in Oblivion, who was also a wizard-warrior hybrid) After being taught some of the finest spellsword techniques from his father, he comes to Skyrim to seek fame and fortune... only the game will tell what happens next.


Skyrim is set 200 years after your oblivion Breton would have died...

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My character will be named Bobfred the Great.

This is his story:


"Once upon a time..." There was a crazy lady named Morriphlegm. The crazy Morriphlegm did some crazy things (as crazy people tend to do) and had a child. This child was born without arms and had seven legs. Morriphlegm weeped for days on end and refused to eat, eventually succumbing to her hunger and passing away. This left her seven-legged-no-armed child alone in the woods with no one to care for him. But before the elements could claim him, a magical warlock named Frank appeared and took the child.


Frank, thrilled by his new pet fed it much high-elf mince till it grew big and strong. Several years passed and then out of the blue something happened. It spoke. It said "Hungy!!!". It was at this point Frank realized that it was not a bizarre animal, but in fact a bizarre Imperial.


So, heart broken by the fact that his beloved pet was in fact one of the main races, Frank again dumped him into the wilderness.


The poor boy (15 years of age by this point) was lost and confused, but at the same time freaky and strong. For many years to come adventurers travelling into the woods kept disappearing. On occasion bodies were found missing arms and legs.

The local authorities were desperate to find out what was happening, as merchants could not even travel to the nearby towns. They just went missing.


But as it turns out it was all okay. It would appear the writer got bored of thinking what to write, so the creature emerged from the woods, with arms sewn onto it's sides.... and scars where extra legs used to be. It was, for all intents and purposes, just a really messed up looking Imperial.


The locals called it Bobfred and that is were our journey begins. The journey of.... Dovahkin!!!!! <insert climatic Skyrim Trailer music here>

Edited by TESDarklite
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