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What is Your dovakiin's Background

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Aqullies, grew up a regular imperial country boy, helping his foster parents on the farm, until one day his mother asked him to fetch her some unique kind of mushrooms, so he goes off into the great oak forest and stumbles across an old witch, and as he was trying to walk around her she begins casting shouts at him, complaining that he is the last heir of the blades in his blood line, and the rightful king of tambial. well he's not sure if he believes her but it made him feel proud inside, so he goes to ask his parents and they put their heads down and said, they've been dreading on telling him this all my life, because they were afraid of loosing him and putting him in harms way. Then they tell him the story about how he came to become their son. His real father had plans to kill him, by putting him in a basket when he was 2 weeks old and sending me down a river, for reasons not known to this day. luckily this young couple found him, in a royal robe inside the cradle hung by a few branches in the river, and knew he must have been some kind of royalty, until they got the news that the young prince had been slain in his sleep as a child. so knowing that he's the rightful heir of the throne, he proudly leaves my parents, and goes kingdom to kingdom looking for soldiers to fight for his cause on regaining his rightful throne. After months and years of campaigning, he finally set out towards the imperial city. The battle takes a horrible turn and he lost all but three of his soldiers in the battle, then a dragon from skyrim crossed the border and torched everyone else, both good and bad, except Aqullies. Those few good men that the dragon torched were his closest friends in the recent months, so he changes his mind about taking over the throne in the imperial city, and sets out on a journey of tracking down the dragon that killed his best friends. So brusied and bloodied, he follows the dragon through the mountains of Jerall, towards skyrim. The dragon flies faster than Aqullies can walk, after toying with him all the way through tambrial, shooting him occasionally with fire, making sure he's still conscience. It's as if the dragon purposely was leading him towards skyrim. As a predator toying with it's pray. Once Aqullies reaches the border of skyrim, the dragon is no where in sight. But the guards capture him for trasspassing, after aqullies brusied, bloodied, and sore kills three out of the ten guards. They drag him from his knees all the way to his execution. Once Aqullies escapes from prison, he has one thought in mind. That dragon must die, and i will kill every OTHER dragon that resembles him. I am Dragon Born, the rightful heir of the blades, and no one can stop me, the rightful king of Tambrial.
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One background i have is for someone who never quite fit in despite his or her best efforts. Maybe they have an unusual ancestor (possibly Daedric even. I know, not lore-worthy), maybe they have a deformity or other oddity, and takes a lot of crap about it. this crap escalates through childhood into adulthood, finally becoming an attack on their person. He or she kills someone in self-defense, and is hauled off to jail.


Another thought i had is they offend someone in the nobility, who then contrive a scheme to get revenge for losing face. A failed attempt at seduction is twisted into an attempt on the part of PC to molest or otherwise harm the noble, and off to jail they go, or maybe my character really did steal something (for good reasons or no) and is caught.

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I didn't really think about this. My character wants to see, learn, and explore. I think that once I actually start the game, I will find some story for the character.
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Unless he reincarnated into Arena's hero first, and so on...


Ah yeah, you're right. I guess I got carried away and lost my train of thought, haha.

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Anubis a rich noble Breton of questionable origin has travelled across all of tamriel looking for the Armour by the name of the Jackals hide knowing it was his birthright. Scouring all of tamriel except skyrim he turns to his only friend and his companion the watcher who exclaims that ' Out of sand and out of stone lies the helmet made of bone covered on each and every side with pelts of jackals hide. ' Later pondering this confounding worded riddle Anubis thinking snow cannot be sand he remembered a poem that went like this "sand is time and time is sand and time is snow across all the land" so looking towards the mountains he felt something appear in his mind like a marker for a quest that drew him towards the peak of the mountain. After considerable jumping he found the armour,donned the helm of death and howled across the land felling he was now a master of conjuration and destruction he summoned a massive beast called the tsar-tse a massive two headed serpent, he then jumped onto its back and squirmed across the lands until finally reaching high hrothgar placing each head on opposite sides of the mountain and each eating a sheep suddenly turning to stone Anubis realized what had happened he (well his beast) had picked up something that didn't belong to him I.E the sheep so was sent to jail and was sentenced for execution for stealing the mask of the black jackal (hahaha) and burst of the shackles with the power of ... A LOCKPICK ... so Anubis escaped punishment and went onto to become a god and make the world usher in the ages of Life,Knowledge,War,Death and the Afterlife named so by the governing gods Ra,Thoth,Horus,Anubis and Osiris.Soon after the end of Anubis' third reign he got rather greedy and so went to the college of Winterhold and asked them to create an enchanted shepherds crook to guide the lost souls of the kings and the War Flail used to destroy the other gods allowing him to reign supreme.Little did he know that the other gods had survived and Ra plotted to take the shepherds crook and re-enchant it to guide the gods as well as every other living thing so after two more ages of Death,Ra struck,took the throne as god of gods and reigned for twelve ages known as the houses of the night when finally a Mortal succumbed to the power of Anubis, Struck Ra down and allowed the world a new age...............the Age Of Man.Yet still Anubis with his godly powers became mortal and carried on as a Dragon Slayer and Volpez Ultima Rider Soon becoming leader of the College of Winterhold,Companions Guild,Silence of the Night (the Few Chosen Elite Black Hand Members) and Thieves Guild and establishing a new guild the Ascension Rites which allowed select mortals to ascend into godly hood yet remain on the earth just as Anubis is Today



This character is widely based of Egyptian mythology and is immortal.Please acknowledge that a few parts of the background info are little Jokes exclusive to some games such as the Watcher is in Darksiders and Ascension Rites being Unreal Championship 2 Liandri Conflict's Campaign I take no credit for these names and are of copyright justification


This has been a Draconis 1475 production i hope you have enjoyed it

Edited by Draconis1475
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Nice backgrounds people, keep it up
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A wandering rouge Nordic Wizard-warrior. (he is the son of my Breton in Oblivion, who was also a wizard-warrior hybrid) After being taught some of the finest spellsword techniques from his father, he comes to Skyrim to seek fame and fortune... only the game will tell what happens next.
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