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Unable to skip intro/constantly attacking?


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Here are the mods I have installed:


Akatosh Mount

Alternative Start

Armory of The Silver Dragon

Better Cities - Full City Defenses

Better Cities

Better Cities FPS Patch

Better Cities Resources

Better Imperial City


Carry-all-you-want 5118

Deadly Reflex 5 - Timed block and 150% damage

Deadly Reflex 5 - Combat moves

Growlfs Animated Hair

Horse Combat Master


Lich King's Helm v1

Loading Screens



Midas Spells

New Frostmourne Sword

No psychic guards v1.2

Oblivion XP

Realistic Force High

Ring of Console


Streamline 3.1

Unofficial Oblivion Patch

Window Lighting System

Ren Beauty Pack Full


As for my issue...well, for some reason I can't skip through the intro scenes when starting Oblivion. Not to mention, I'm constantly attacking for some reason when I do play and no key is binded to M1 or M2. So, I've no idea how to fix this. Suggestions?

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No personal experience with any of your mods, so this falls into the 'throwing darts at a darkened dartboard' category ... have you tried disabling mods? I'd start with those that affect combat (i.e. Deadly Reflex 5 - Timed block and 150% damage and Deadly Reflex 5 - Combat moves). Another question from one with no experience with DR ... are those two DR5 mods reliant on having a base DR5 installed?
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(1) Rule out hardware errors - I had a three button mouse with a dodgy third button which sometimes did ofdd things like this. Borrow a different mouse and keyboard and rule it out.


(2) Open the key mapping section, double-check you don't have two mods using the same key. DR may have cross-mapped with another mod and think it's always attacking. SAVE the keymap settings once checked - they CAN show ok but be corrupted.

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