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Minute Man Historical Signifigance


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I was sitting and had the epiphany that there is very little in the way of historical significance toward the original minute men within Fallout 4, Proposing a challenge to any out there to fill in this gap in history.


Challenges (possible)


1. historically accurate to (or as close to) original history/artifacts


2. want to see an absolutely original "Poor Boy" rifle from the historical minute men.*


3. Attire resembling their origins (replacer or standalone)


4. as of now unsure of other info to put here...




(*) "Poor Boy" was an original american creation back before the cartridge as we know it today existed, i feel that this would fit right into FO4 being no need for anything but gunpowder and lead (the poor mans rifle basically)


Feel free to dig into history and see what you can do in this, waiting to see some explosiveness of creativity from this posting :)

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I think this is a good idea. I was kind of hoping for more historical information on the Minute Men (Who says you can't learn history from video games?!). I was also thinking to add a legendary Laser musket (as there currently is none, not counting the auto one). I don't really know what else to add, as I don't know too much about the Minute Men.

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