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Modding on a 750 Ti 2gb vram


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I've made a similar post on other modding forums related to Skyrim but they have all gone basically ignored, so I'm going to try here.


I'm trying to mod my Skyrim's graphics on a 750 Ti 2 gb vram. I've ran into multiple issues involving lod popping in at super close distances, grass popping in with the same issues, shading issues, performance issues, ect. Here are my full specs.


Nvidia Gtx 750 Ti 2 GB vram

12 gb onboard ram

Intel i5 2.67 ghz

Windows 8.1


I'm planning to do a complete redo of my Skyrim modding. I really need help with what I should do to mod my game's graphics and keep performance generally stable. I'm fine with dropping to like 30-40 fps if it means the game looks great and doesn't crash. My big thing is I want to remove stuttering and CTDs. I can list my current load order if need be, but I don't think it matters seeing as I basically just want to start over.


I use Wrye Bash, Loot, Mod Organizer, TES5EDIT, ENBoost, and SKSE. So I already have all of these set up and ready to go, I'm probably just going to remove all of my existing mods, not sure if there's anything else I should delete. I'll post pastebins of my current prefs/default inis, however once again I plan to just delete them anyways so I doubt it really matters. I just want to try to learn from my past mistakes.


Skyrim.ini: http://pastebin.com/y9cUSddY

Skyrim Prefs.ini: http://pastebin.com/5kAqnkSn


I also think it's important to add that I've followed STEP's core guide and it's given me a lot of trouble. Don't know if this means anything, but figured it might give more background.

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I personally dont touch the ini files, either it is outdated stuff or I just dont know what I am doing, and I would start over and then slowly build up my game. First install ENB and mayb something like Dynololod, and tweak to performance. You have a good card, so you should be able to run quite a nice quality.... Step guides can be really hit or miss, sometimes it is of high quality and sometimes the author knew jack s#*! on a topic, or its just outdated in my experience!

There are some good tuts on youtube... Maybe even a modder with your specs

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