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Really nooby question...

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Okay, so, you know when you download a mod, you open it in Winrar, and there's usually a sound folder, meshes folder, and a bunch of other folders? I know that you must drag the .esp file into data, but what about the sound folders? When I drag those in, it says I must replace them with the original, which I'm hesitant to do because I don't want to mess up the game.. Please help.
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It doesn't remove the previous folder, it just merges them. So allowing it to 'overwrite' just adds the new files.


Obviously if there's a file already present then it'll want to overwrite that, but in most cases it's fine.


But instead of saying overwrite, is says "replace". :( You still sure it merges them?

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But instead of saying overwrite, is says "replace". :( You still sure it merges them?

No, it doesn't merge it. Instead it overrides it. Usually that's just fine.


What mod are you trying to install anyway?

Edited by BlackRampage
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But instead of saying overwrite, is says "replace". :( You still sure it merges them?

No, it doesn't merge it. Instead it overrides it. Usually that's just fine.


What mod are you trying to install anyway?


Basically, I have a quest mod. It's voice acted, so there's a sound folder. Let's say I put that in my data folder, no problems.


However, there's another voiced quest mod. I want that, but I want the previous quest, too. The second one has a sound folder as well.


What do I do to keep both?

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Basically, I have a quest mod. It's voice acted, so there's a sound folder. Let's say I put that in my data folder, no problems.


However, there's another voiced quest mod. I want that, but I want the previous quest, too. The second one has a sound folder as well.


What do I do to keep both?

A voice acted quest mod? Let me take a wild guess here: The mothership zeta crew mod? :biggrin:


Anyway, if it's only folders which are to be merged together: No big deal.

If it's files which need to be overwritten (not merged, overwritten) then that will become a big deal. Essentially you'll have to end up choosing to keep the dialog from either the new mod you're installing or the old one.


However, I find it extremely unlikely that 2 mods will end up having the exact same names for sound files.

Edited by BlackRampage
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Side note, use FOMM to install the MOD - makes it easier to uninstall later. I made a mess of things my first few attempts at modding FO3 and just unzipped the files and copied everything over, made it real hard to unistall a mod if I wanted to test a problem out.
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