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Snake oil Salesmen!


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I love my country, as I'm sure everyone else, loves their country. There is many things that I don't agree with, but worshiping a word called freedom, does have it's irritating moments. The best thing about living is the veritable zoo of activism that has been surging through our lives. Everyone has an agenda and everyone has a cause that is important to them.

There are those that want to change this place, merely to change it and there are people who will resist any form of change for no other reason than they are comfortable where they are. Are these people looking at anything more than there own opinions? Do they care about the way their opinions effect others or do they think that their ideals are so wrapped in gold that the rest of us will automatically benefit by living in the world they imagine.


Are those that resist any change paranoidly delusional or simply afraid of losing their imaginary grip on control of their own lives..


Are those that promote change for change itself, promoting such changes in order to benefit others or do they only interested in leading others to a reality only they control.


Are either of these groups trying to sell their ideals to benefit of anyone else other than themselves and are they so certain of the nobility of their goals that they think they should drag the rest of us along with them.

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From my experiences People whom resist change fear the comfort and complacency of their lives will be thrown out to the wind, and those who strive and push for change generally do it for themselves. Not saying that either side is bad but it usually lead's to a compromise, never an absolute. That's my two cent's.
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