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(Just need info) Land Management


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Hey guys, I don't normally post on these forums but I'm guessing this is in the right place.


I'm looking for some existing mods that help expand on the Hearthfire DLC and the concepts therein. I was just curious if anyone knows any mods that exist that can get a player involved in some of the following:

  • Hiring NPCs
  • Managing guards/troops
  • Taking over and modifying a castle/fort
  • Economics
  • etc.

In other words, a Jarl or steward kind of mod. Entrepreneurship, etc. I have tried the following mods:


  • Guild Starter Beta (clunky, cumbersome, little reward, but close)
  • Real Estate (mod conflict, I think, won't run)
  • Trade & Economics (or some similar title that claimed to add traveling merchants, adjust prices etc. but I didn't see much in the way of results)
  • Mercenary Company (Again, no real results here, not sure what we were supposed to see)

Let me reiterate: I'm not looking to make a new mod (unless someone would like me to help test it), I'm looking for mods that already exist that might fit the description. I don't think there's just one category that fits what I'm looking for so I'm asking on here for ideas rather than spending 4-5 hours searching through the endless list of great mods by dedicated people (though they certainly deserve the attention).

Any ideas, please share. Thanks in advance!

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LC_BecomeJarlofIvarstead by Locaster at www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51633

Thanks, you know I remember this from a previous install some time ago. I forgot to put it on the above list. It's a very well-made and involved mod but the castle always felt kind of cramped and clunky. I am going to check out that author's new mod though, about Utgard. Thank you for the suggestion :) .


If anyone knows of anything else please feel free to share as I'm still looking/testing. Just trying to get a new experience out of Skyrim to keep it from going stale.

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