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OBSE 'couldnt inject dll' problem

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yeah, thats the problem, ive given all obse files, and the oblivion.exe admin privs, and it still gives me that error message

ive even installed it in the suggested c/games/oblivion, another drive, and even on a flashdisk, and it still gives me that message


now heres the funny part, MOST OBSE required mods WORK???

(i dont get it as well)

lets say for deadly reflex, i can do all but when i try to throw a weapon (with any weapon throwing mod) itll crash

pretty confused...


my oblivion is running with all DLCs with


is it because im running windows 7 beta or it doesnt have anything to do with it?

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Is your copy of Oblivion from either Direct 2 Drive or the Impulse download sites? Neither of those versions of the game will work with OBSE (they're encrypted due to DRM requirements and it's illegal for the OBSE team to modify the encrypted exe).
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I'm not aware of what if any problems that could result from running the beta Win 7, perhaps someone else will know more about that. When you say "I've even installed it in the suggested c/games/oblivion, another drive, and even on a flashdisk, and it still gives me that message" does that imply that the first time you installed it to the default C:\Program Files? If so, if you didn't clean your registry after uninstalling to make the move to C:\Games you could have old registry entries messing up the works. One of the moderators here bben46 has posted this uninstall/re-install guide to help get a complete and correct job done.
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Ahh ... now I'm starting to understand the question. Why don't you post which mods it's happening in and maybe someone will know of a solution.
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