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OBSE Unknown Version of oblivion

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If it's showing version 2.something then there is something VERY odd - the last patch number is v1.2.0416. That does NOT sound like an official Shivering Isles GotY disc at all.
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To be 100% honest, I'd really recommend it. The Collectors Edition is due out this month - not sure exactly what is in it, but the Game of the Year version has SI and KotN on it, and installs very happily on my system. Given the cost to yourself in time so far, buying a new copy would be a very sound investment in my opinion.


You could also look at getting the Steam version - the Deluxe edition comes, I believe, with just about all of the DLC mods as well. Do NOT buy Impulse or Direct2Drive versions - they are encrypted executables and will not work with ANY mod requiring OBSE (or OBGE I think).

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Erm ... I don't know for certain, but as the DLCs are only standard mods they SHOULD work with Steam no matter which source.
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Go through Bben46's uninstall/reinstall page and clear up the registry - it's amazing how much junk it can leave behind. Then install the Steam version to C:\Games\Steam\Oblivion from the start, and hopefully it'll all work out much more smoothly. Steam auto-updates to the latest version so no more playing with patches to get SI up-to-scratch. Once it's in place, OBSE should work fine with it - just read the readme and copy the correct files to the Oblivion directory.
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Ok, so it must be a mod that I have, it has to be, It downloaded It worked, I put all the mods into the folder. installed OMM and then I run, and it runs through OBSE and I get this is an Unkown version of Oblivion.


It has to be a mod, I have all these mods to Run Deadly R on my External Hard Drive. It must be somthing from it. I am going to delete all the mods I have and download them again from the Site.


If I uninstall Oblivion from Steam, Do I have to re download it all again? (First time download from Steam all my Steam games are DvDs)

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Nor sure about the Steam question, but do you have any trouble when running just the vanilla game and no mods installed?
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