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OBSE Unknown Version of oblivion

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You need to start the game and make a save before adding any mods. My guess is OBSE is not finding the Oblivion.ini file that the game creates the first time you make a save.
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I think I can Backup the game from Steam on a Disk or onto my External hard Drive.


It worked yes, I am not on my home PC at the min so can't do anything till Morrning =( BUT I have just rememberd that I DID NOT test OBSE before I installed mods, so I am not 100% sure, I am going to back up the game. If I can not sure if I can not sure how, just don't want to re donwload all other again haha.


Then uninstall like MarkinMKUK said too (in the link) and test without mods, but with OBSE!!!



(just saw another Skyrim Trailer!!! =( cry cry cry I should of not done it I NEED THE GAME SO BAD!!! haha)


Again guys thanks so much for all the help!!!

Edited by Shadowfoot50
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I got You have an Unkown version AGAIN. All I did WAS


Install OB



Install OBSE

Play WOrked

Installed Mods

Played Worked

DR 6 was messing up with Animations

moved Nif


Put it back


You have an Unkown version of oblivion,


I don't get this, what could of gone wrong this time?

Edited by Shadowfoot50
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If it is working fine until you add DR6, then don't.


I've no idea why DR6 might be causing a problem, but if you don't have the "unknown version" problem until that point, then something you are installing is changing Oblivion.exe and according to what you posted, that something is DR6.


If I had a £10 for every post on here from people having problems with DR6, I could afford an extra holiday this year. No idea why, but it seems to be tricky to get to behave.

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Obvious question, but ... you DID use the "Steam" method of use for OBSE not the "Normal" one? The normal one WILL give an error if you try to use the OBSE_Launcher. Read the readme again if you did that.


The first stage is get Oblivion with SI working. Add all the unofficial patches. Add OBSE. Test, test, and test again. THEN backup.


Now add ONE mod at a time, and retest after each mod. I very strongly suggest Fast Exit and Windom Earle's Oblivion Crash Prevention System (weOCPS) - they both use OBSE so will test whether it works, without mucking other stuff about.


Don't just drop a shedload of mods on at once ... that way lies a heap more forum posts. Add one at a time, and test

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Yes I run through steam When It first come up I thought it was not working haha


It happend again its not DR 6, It somthing else. Not sure what it was, I installed 3 mods, UV, Nif, and Pluggy.


I have add loads of things before, and it would work, but now it does this. It works then when I exit it come with that Unkown Version thing.


I installed



Installed OBSE


Installed UV, Nif, and Pluggy

Played Did somthing wrong with with UV


Downloaded UV again


Opened Steam

Ran game

Then I got the Error! =(

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  • 4 years later...

hello guys i need help im with win7 im using non steam version of oblivion v1.2.0416 goty deluxe edition game of the year edition i have the unofficial patch installed and obmm and when i copied and pasted obse_1_2_416.dll, obse_editor_1_2.dll, and obse_loader.exe to the folder where is my oblivion.exe and when i tried to load the game from the obse loader its says this crc = 18AA756D
You have an unknown version of Oblivion. Please check http://obse.silverlock.org to make sure you're using the latest version of OBSE, then send an email to the contact addresses listed in obse_readme.txt if this version is not supported in the latest release. I need help

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