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what about battles...


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I, personnaly, would not make a game with such a so called "huge" oblivion crisis, when there was not 1 battle, not like the battle of bruma, like a REAL battle, not some dumb idiotic 15 vs. 15 battle, and guess what? i dont give a **** if the game engine cant handle 25-30 man vs 25-35-45. man wars. An danother HUGE flaw, and i mean HUGE HUGE HUGE FLAW!!!!!!! is where are the spears? i mean, wtf man, cant you at least have spears? if not major battles like, for instance, take a fort, and fort, why are there no soldiers protecting cyrodil? In my whole short life, i have never ONCE heard of a crisis supposedly as big as the oblivion crisis, where countries didnt protect their f***ing COUNTRY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? gosh, the game is ok, could be better graphics, thats why im glad for skyrim, but please, someone make a mod where at least a few forts still stand. in a crisis klike that, its ok for a fe fallen forts due to daedra invasions. but seriously, coiuld someone make running forts and actual battles usng spears and swords and bows? Is it really that hard? im working on another medival mod, so dont look at this and say, ' why arent you doing something?' cause im busy, im tired, and im ticked :/.




thanks for reading. PM me if you will answer the call.

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The reason nobody has made huge battle mods is because the engine can't handle such a large scale battle, and some AI just stand there like a slug or get beat up and can't do anything about it because of the engine's limitations. Edited by frakle
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"Why isn't Game A - which I have decided I don't like - EXACTLY the same as totally different Game B - Which I have decided I do like? Make it so! NOW!" <throws toys out of pram and screams in tantrum>


Don't feed the troll

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This is a single player RPG, the game is based on you alone doing combat. With that in mind why make an engine that is design to do full scale battles? There is a ton of stuff going on in the back ground, the game has its limitations like every game. You have to remember the vanilla game doesn't allow for a small army to move around all over the place. Mods have changed that with the likes of CM partners and others. So maybe this game isn't for your tastes, it happens.
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The game is hardcoded so that it can only handle battles of 8 on 8 very well. Modding is defined as using tools like the CS to give the game engine new instructions. Modding cannot change the game engine. If you want to change the game engine, you need to go to school and become a computer programmer and build your own game with a game engine just the way you like it.


It is basically futile to complain that the Oblivion Game engine won't do something and ask someone to make a mod that will do it. It is sort of like asking someone to change your kitchen blender into a device for making toast.


There are mods in existence that have spears. They use the claymore character animations, and don't look right when in action, but these mods do exist. One that I can think of off the top of my head is Elsweyr Anequina. You might check it out.

Edited by David Brasher
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It is sort of like asking someone to change your kitchen blender into a device for making toast.


I could do that. How much money do you have? :tongue:

Of course, the only original part left might be the cord.


It would be the same with the game engine. It would take a lot of time and there wouldn't be much left of the original

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  • 1 month later...
Yes, they ave spear mods, but, and heres the big BUT, for people like me, you need SI or knigers of the nine for them to play right. plus, bethseda didint concentrat on the armys thing. Me, personaly would like to make a battle to my tastes, but sadly, every time I try with the CS, when i play the game, theyre all nude 0.o.
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Oblivion can-to take 25-35 vs 25 35 45 man battles, and more. just reduce graphics, get rid of the grass, and have fun


It's not a graphics limitation, it's AI. The AI in Oblivion is much more complex than that of RTS games which have hundreds of units, and thus can't handle many people at one time without extreme lag.

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