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glowing freckles?


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My freckles are glowing to, it's kinda annoying. I read around and found out there's a possible fix if you go to the surgeon and alter them. I haven't tried yet, but I will later when I get a chance

That worked for me. My character had weird looking lips that seemed to be stuck on top of her mouth. I had the surgeon remove her lipstick and her face reverted to normal after that. The irritating thing is that this problem appears to be the result of an update for the Survival Beta and I have not opted in for beta testing.

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Does it also affect NPCs? If it doesn't I can live with having to go to the surgeon. Not sure how the surgeon fixes it though since it appears in Character Creation.

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Surgeon or SLM didn't work for me.


Everything was fine until the patch yesterday. Not sure what that was about anyway, I'm not in any Beta but when I started Steam it downloaded a patch for FO4, yet there's no word on a (non-Beta) patch on the official site. :ermm:

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