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The most quest-heavy companion/follower mods?


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Since I had enjoyed Vilja for Oblivion a lot, I have started playing Vilja for Skyrim a few weeks ago and because Skyrims main quest doesn't appeal to me (being the 'saviour' never really did it for me) I played only her own quest line (plus some vanilla ones that sounded interesting) and found that very enjoyable - but I am very near the end of the fun (I'm not going to marry her).


I've just now spent 2 hours looking for the 'best' companion mods but I just can't make up my mind because everyone has different ideas what a companion should bring to the table.


What do I expect from a companion/follower?

- Most importantly a long and engaging quest line that can be played independently from the vanilla main quest - and should be playable for a lvl 1 character

- Decent voice acting - Vilja's voice acting (often critizised for the NPCs) was good enough for me.

- I do prefer female characters but they don't need to be romancable.

- A cool or unique look is not needed, more on the contrary - I wouldn't want a beauty queen completely sticking out from the drab Skyrim crowd.

- I don't care how they perform in combat, although it would be nice if I could at least get them out of harms way with a 'wait here' or 'don't attack' command.


Apart from Vilja, my 2nd favourite companion so far was another one by Emma - Constance for Morrowind: http://lovkullen.net/Emma/Constance.htm


The only Skyrim mod I found so far that might fit the bill is M'Rissi.


I will be grateful for any feedback, no matter if it's 'you have to try ....' or 'stay away from.....'

Edited by thestoryteller01
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In my opinion, 3DNPC's is the most quest heavy - follower mod and you get a lot of gameplay out of it. There are drawbacks though, as it is absolutely a hefty mod and it can take a toll on your game if you're not careful. It's worth it though since there are a huge amount of new independent quests, followers (both male and female) and excellent voice acting. Just my 2 pennies.

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I second 3DNPC - it's really quite good and indeed is just teeming with quests involving the added npcs. I will add, though, that the mod inspires more of a take this follower for a while, then move on to the next one style--ie. the quests aren't particularly long. Still, I had one with me for weeks and was surprised at the number of unique areas / moments the follower was commenting on.

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You say you like quests for your followers but I know that Constance and Vilja (both versions) are not really about the quests. The quests exist simply to get you to build a relationship with them. Because of that, even though Inigo has only a very incomplete quest at this point, I think you would really enjoy his company too.


Inigo's relationship with you grows and changes over time, so even if you aren't doing an actual quest he will provide quite a lot of content to experience. Just having Inigo around can change how you experience the game. You might find yourself exploring the world, doing various side quests, etc. just to hear Inigo's reactions.


Also note that Gary and Emma collaborated to create interaction between Inigo and Vilja. That interaction works so well because at the core both modders are trying to do the same thing, create a believable virtual person.

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Aurlyn Dawnstone might interest you; she dosn't have any implemented quests as of yet (although they are fully written and voiced), but she does have a facinating backtory/ stories to tell, and other things such as poems and philosophy to elludicate.


Now, you may think I'm going off topic, but after all, quests are nothing more than realized visions of the stories that we weave, and thus, are fundementally the same as any story you or I might tell tale of. Thus, Aurlyn has been shaped by her quests more than anything else, and meets all the requirements above.


Oh, and Darkrogue (her Voice Actress) has been very highly praised for her voice acting as well, and I personally think she's one of the best VAs out there, although I don't say that very often since I feel like that's basically shameless self-promotion. She's marriageable, has a plethora of romance lines, a very realistic look that fits in well in Skyrim, and is devestating in ranged combat. Here, take a look:



Edited by mlee3141
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Thanks for all the recommendations you gave me so far!


Choosing companion mods is one of the most difficult things imo, because it takes some time to realize if the character fits my playstyle or my idea of immersion/lore-friendlyness. Too many new starts with another companion could somehow ruin the game for me.


Regarding the quest requirements, I probably should have been a bit clearer about that: It's not about getting some new quests, it's all about doing quests for somebody else than an anonymous NPC I don't care about.


After 4 playthroughs of Morrowínd, 6 of Oblivion and a heap of other RPGs, I kind of lost the ability to commit myself to the wishes and needs of random NPCs, no matter how much they needed my help or how big the reward might be. But I always enjoyed quests when the quest giver or an affilitate accompanied me, so that's what I actually "need" companions for: No matter if its traveling, exploring or fighting - for me it's a LOT more immersive and satisfying if I do things not only for the good of someone, but actually with them. If the're here to help me out or even risk their own lifes (rp wise), even a simple fetch quest can feel meaningful again. I wonder if I'm alone with that experience.


So thanks again, I will definitely check out all the companions you mentioned and especially take a close look at 3DNPCs.

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These other follower mods are what inspire me to work harder on my own, despite my lack of time, modding skills, and a decent mic. lol *salutes to all of you* :)


To the OP though, I do not have any other suggestion, but I would try Interesting NPCs as well, if not for the huge size. xD The great variety would simply give more life to Skyrim.



Perhaps I'll allow myself to mention my Equinox mod which is an Auroran follower + spells mod. Custom-voiced, yes, and somewhat merges itself into Meridia's quest. But the Auroran follower has less than 120 lines and the summon has less than 20. :3 Currently working on a major update that pretty much fulfills this 3-year-old mod request. Adds a new 'semi-follower' with hopefully more dialogue than how much an Auroran soldier can say, and another summoned character with a unique voice. Also planning to add a random encounter and a couple more spells. *shrug*


The mod however will likely only cater to those willing to champion Meridia.


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