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help- wait menu

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this is fist time i posts in nexus, and i not good at English sorry!

i have problem with oblivion- i set a lot of mod -> and now the wait menu show up any time is can. specialty in city. plz help me how to disable this wait menu? thanks

this is my

3 up was hide is oblivion main file / sexy oblivion / Devil may cry style


Edited by zarrkagunslinger
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I'm not familiar with many of your mods, but most seem to be armor or clothing mods, which shouldn't be a problem. Have you tried disabling mods one at a time to see if you can narrow down the list of possible problem causing mods. I'd start with one you know aren't just armor or clothing mods (example Sexlivion or Estrus).
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thanks! but is just start when i set hiyoko-shop mod. but event i disable this mod it still happen T_T. it make me confuse .

i will try it again . thanks guy!

now i realy confuse- event i disable all mod ( not Chocolate elf ( my char is CE )) it still happen- now i try with unofficial oblivion patch ( it crash my game one time T_T)

Edited by zarrkagunslinger
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If just disabling a mod doesn't solve it and you are fairly sure it is the problem then you may need to completely uninstall it. Move the esp and all the resource files that it added to Oblivion\Data\meshes, Oblivion\Data\textures, Oblivion\Data\sound etc. to a temporary folder you create that's completely outside of your Oblivion install folder. Even though the mod is marked as inactive the game will still load those resource files. If you say it started after you installed the hiyoko-shop mod then that's the one you should uninstall completely first. After you uninstall you may get a warning about certain mods being missing when you load a save that had that mod active. That's normal, but don't try to load a save where your character was in or even near the shop. It's best to use a save where you were in a completely different city or area.


If your game was OK without the unofficial patch before this problem started I wouldn't try installing it to fix the problem until I's tried other things first.

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thanks you guy all

the problem is cause by hiyoko-shop mod- event when I disable and delete all file of this mod it still happen. lucky to me! I has my data back up so just replace with new data all problem is solve. ( after that i try to set this mod again. men this mod has some cool weapon and armor ....yep it happen again T_T so i need to find some other mod ...)

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