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Yeah it was pretty apparent they dodged a few of the questions.


The PC version also gets higher res textures, larger render modes, and a bunch of other effects you can scale up if your machine is a beast.


This excites me though, I like to make my hardware earn its keep!

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Kinda cool that out of the thousands of questions asked mine was one of the 25 answered. I asked number 15....they even included my typo..yay
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Could someone please explain in simple terms if possible what Question 9 is about with regard to 64 bit executable? I have a 64 bit machine but have no idea what this means to me. I assume UI means user interface.
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Games can have 32 and 64 bit. exe's.

Though this is very rare, the only one I know is Assassin's Creed, and the people demanding a 64 bit exe should be happy that they got DX11 support


A 64 bit exe basically allows the game to use more memory then 2 gb, which is unecesarry, since the game won't use more then 1.5 GB surely.

Also, an 64 bit exe game works better on 64 bit machines, and can only be run on them.

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Thank you for the explanation which I understand, I can buy it now and not worry it won't run on my machine, which I had re-built specially for the new games coming out this year.
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