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Momentus XT 500GB Hybrid SSD

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I decided to take a look at it and personally there's some things that don't do the drive any doesn't help certain cases. For one, the image they provided looks like two different pictures put together - A HDD on bottom and a SDD on top. Secondly, given by that appearance, there seems to be no heat shielding or heat management for the SSD part of the drive - You might be taking a risk when the HDD section is thrashing, as the extra heat is likely going right on the SSD, increasing the chance of failure.


Third is the SSD/HDD ratio. Considering the price, and comparing the smaller capacity but pricier 320GB version here, it's likely that the SDD acts like more of a cache than a storage location, in which that they keep infrequent accesses on the HDD while frequent accesses are loaded into the SSD during uptime, and then moves and clears it out during shutdown. So there's a chance that there will be a lot of moving around done just by the HDD, which means the increased chance of thrashing. Also, how would you defragment the HDD? Wouldn't the SSD section also be affected?


Also, they missed a potential market - while 2.5" is meant for the mobile market, desktops and their 3.5" slots are still looking for a middle ground like this...

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Third is the SSD/HDD ratio. Considering the price, and comparing the smaller capacity but pricier 320GB version here, it's likely that the SDD acts like more of a cache than a storage location,

That's exactly what it is, a cache.

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