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What's wrong with these?

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For the world model (inventory) don't the TriShapes (1,2,5,8,9,10,11 on your .nif) all have to be 'BSTriShape' and not 'BSSubIndexTriShape'? Right click on each in Nifskope and convert to 'BSTriShape' - (Block - Convert - Bethesda - BSTriShape).

Edited by wubilyu
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I could be completely wrong on this, but it might be a result of you having two TriShapes referencing the same BSLightingShaderProperty (1 and 9 reference 14, 10 and 11 reference 16). I had a nif crash the game when I did that, but I was doing a lot of things then (trying to get rotating collision mesh, which I have since learned requires a certain flag in the collision mesh itself, so not something I can do anything about), so it could have been something unrelated to dual referencing a property that caused the problem.


Only other thing I can think of is it might be something weird in the flags for the main NINode (if the value is 14 then that isn't it). I don't see anything wrong with the record in xEdit, but I haven't spent much time playing around with them (the path to the mesh looks fine).

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So far for me, nif's I've exported have crashed when I changed strings maybe excessively and had a lot of bloat in there and sometimes when i didn't change the unknown int's etc to values that matched working nifs. Also had to reboot and try to re-export once probably just because I was too low on free ram with 200 tabs open in chrome. Feels like voodoo sometimes but I'm not experienced with modeling.

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That .nif doesn't have any BSX flags, or parent/child connect points. If you aren't setting it up to use object modifications, then this doesn't matter so much, but then why break it into different nodes for different parts for the weapon? If you want to animate different parts of the weapon then you have to use specific names for nodes which can be found in any weapon which uses the animations you want to apply to your weapon.


Also, none of the game's meshes for weapons use BSSubIndexTriShape blocks, so it's probably best to get rid of these to be sure they aren't causing problems.


BSLightingShaderProperty's aren't duplicated and seem to be referencing a material, but check and see that they're referencing a valid 'wet' material as well, in block details.

Edited by TrickyVein
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