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Readable Books.


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Hello all.


I'm working on a mod that involves some books, and I'd like to be able to allow users to actually read these books. Now, the game does support this. You can build books now and they can have content, but the one bit lacking: There are no open book meshes. Everything you can read in Fallout4 is a note of some type, torn, folded, scrap, newspaper etc. If its not a note, its on a terminal. You can find plenty of burned books, and some overdue books but none of these are readable.


Right now, I have a book that I've made, but when you read it it goes to a single piece of paper. It doesn't really look like you're reading a book as soon as you open it.. I've found that you can change the look of what you're reading by modifying the Inventory Art, and thats allowed me to get to that single piece of paper (rather than a note that unfolds). So it just seems like we're lacking the mesh in the game by default. (or I've just been unable to find it)


I went looking to see if any resources for this existed in Skyrim, and while I can find meshes for books of all types I can't actually find any that are used while reading a book. Plenty of re-textures available in this realm, again but nothing specific to meshes.


Some examples of whats in game now: 'Note_HighPoly', 'Note_HighPolyNoteTorn', 'Note_HighPolyParchment'..


What I'd like to be able to do:




Is anybody working on, or considering making meshes for open books?


Thanks <3

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  • 11 months later...

This is actually something I kinda miss, the option from Skyrim to sit down and read a book. It should be easy to obtain a selection of public domain books and paste that into the game somehow. They did the same for DayZ Standalone a little while ago.


I would personally love to see a mod like this.

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indeed, if only there were, say...

ways to "scrape" the openGNU sources out there...

I would like to discuss this further with you.




it may be possible to do something,

based on GIMP "script-fu" and a narrow-band Google Analytics or Majestic12 search,

or Wayback/8hrsprior index search too...


that could be quicker than an automated screenshot approach anyhow.



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