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Jin Roh's Armored suit


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It almost reminds me of the new vegas armor, gas mask under a helmet, the bracer for the off hand's wrist being a somewhat large block in shape, with a few cloth elements thrown in to keep it flexible. Only the vegas armor was lighter, with less steel, and a long coat. This armor will fit right in the game.

I'll be keeping an eye on this.

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This is a brilliant idea! It just ooozes bad ass. I for one love the whole metal skeleton look of the armor, plus the downsized shield is hectic as well, plus i kinda have a soft spot for armor that uses respirators new vagas armor,the Killzone Helgast, well you get the idea. I'm keeping a good idea hell if i knew how to use the G.E.C.K i would already be attempting it..


Scratch that I am attempting it :thumbsup:

Edited by thomasqw
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Got an Idea about the Shield, how about It gives a 40% extra Damage resistance to gunfire on the left arm?

Generally it was used in the show to assist in feeding the ammo belt into their guns, but i like your style.

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