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Wooden Doors not opening.


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Not sure if this is to do with a mod, wrye bash notes no errors or conflicts in my mods, no idea what's causing it.


Load order:



All Natural Base.esm

Open Cities Resources.esm

Better Cities Resources.esm

DA Run Fatigue.esm


Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp


Better Cities .esp

All Natural.esp

All Natural - SI.esp

Immersive Interiors.esp

Immersive Interiors - Lights Addon.esp

All Natural - Real Lights.esp


Book Jackets Oblivion.esp



RAEVWD New Sheoth.esp

moDem's City Life.esp

Crowded Cities 15.esp

Crowded Roads 15.esp


Get Wet.esp

Adonnays Classical Weaponry.esp

Adonnays Elven Weaponry.esp

RealSwords - Argonian LO-NPC.esp

RealSwords - Argonian LO.esp

RealSwords - Khajiit LO-NPC v1.3.esp

RealSwords - Khajiit LO v1.3.esp

RealSwords - Orc LO v1.0.esp

RealSwords - Orc LO-NPC v1.0.esp

RealSwords - Redguard LO-NPC.esp

RealSwords - Redguard LO.esp


Cyrodiil transportation network 1.3.esp

00RBScribeSupplies Intensive.esp

300 Regal Imperial City 2.esp

Jagnot- Imperial City Library V1.3.esp




Open Cities New Sheoth.esp

Open Cities Outer Districts.esp

Open Cities Reborn.esp

Better Cities - Open Cities Reborn.esp

Exterior Actors Have Torches 1.3 CT.esp






More Capacity Encumbrance with Fatigue.esp

DA Fatigued Running.esp

DA Sprint.esp

Deadly Reflex 6 - Timed Block with no damage or durability changes.esp



Kobu's Character Advancement System.esp


Better Cities Full.esp

Better Cities SKINGRAD.esp

Better Cities BRAVIL.esp

Better Cities ANVIL.esp

Better Cities CHORROL.esp

Better Cities CHEYDINHAL.esp

Better Cities LEYAWIIN.esp

Better Cities BRUMA.esp

Better Cities IC Arboretum.esp

Better Cities IC Arcane University.esp

Better Cities IC Arena.esp

Better Cities IC Elven Gardens.esp

Better Cities IC Green Emperor Way.esp

Better Cities IC Market.esp

Better Cities IC Prison.esp

Better Cities IC Talos Plaza.esp

Better Cities IC Temple.esp

Better Cities IC Waterfront.esp

Better Imperial City.esp

Better Cities - All Natural.esp

DeadlyReflex 6 - Combat Moves.esp

Bashed Patch, 0.esp

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Narrow it down a bit please - which wooden doors, where, and under what conditions?


Oh, and put the mod list in spoiler tags please.

Edited by MarkInMKUK
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Any door simply labelled as a "Wooden Door", other doors, such as "Wooden door to Cilnam residence" or "Wooden Door to Olive's Bakery" Work fine, I've tried in the IC, in Chorrol and in Bravum with the same results.
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Not all doors open - its possible they are ones with no destination attached. There are several dummy doors on the walls of the imperial city - some mods use those to add places. Check the RefID to see which mod adds them to the game.
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You could be suffering from the "A-Bomb" bug (animation problems after a certain number of hours of game play). Loading doors won't be affected, but any animated doors or gates will be. It will also be noticeable looking at lit torches and magic effects. If you use Wrye Bash it has an animation fixer utility included or you can download Oblivion Animation Fixer. It's what I use. Run it whenever you start noticing A-Bomb related problems. Edited by Striker879
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  • 2 years later...

He is speaking of the load doors into interior cells. I have a reason as to why they are not opening. It is the open cities mod. all the doors you are trying to access are located where the vanilla game put them, the interior world-spaces that still contain the original city. I have the reason but not the time to create a fix that should not have to be created. if you know of a fix please post a reply. I will only be to happy to do the same.

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