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I need a change of look


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Hello my underlings! I am in need of a makeover on this sight.

I need to switch out of the lounge lord look

I dont really know what to do, I just figured I would ask you guys what you think.

So hit me with it! NO BAD IDEAS... unless they suck...

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do you have a spy camera set up in my room or something? because you are spot on except for the sandals


I don't need to dress any different than that, so, I don't. :D I shave when my beard gets too annoying, or, my SO mentions that I should...... Most of the time, I don't even wear shoes.... not like I get out much. :D but, sandals when the weather is nice, tennies when it isn't, and combat boots when I am going to do something silly.

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Well, I'm thinking you should go with the James Bond look. For reference:




Then you can go around the forum saying, "I'm Calliton. The Calliton."

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I own a suit..... but, I don't think I have worn it in the better part of a decade..... Think the last time was when my son got married....... probably doesn't even fit any more. I just find them terribly uncomfortable, and I HATE wearing a tie.... even the fake ones.
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Well, if you could pull it off, you should go for the '"10th Doctor" from Doctor Who' look:




I have a feeling that you would need to create a budget for hair gel, though...

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