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Compiled Headpacks


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I somehow messed up my game, and even after a reinstall (as clean as I can get it) I can't get any compiled headpacks to work.


I believe that the offender is Better Heads. No matter what head compilation I try, and no matter how I install it, I get a ton of BH error messages and then when I try to make a character the game crashes.


Is there a headpack that either does not contain BH or completely renames it somehow? And applies heads to NPCs?I tried Westlys- I thought it would be the answer- CRASH... :facepalm:


Everything else works except for the heads. I don't think I can do a second playthru looking at Morrowind's crappy vanilla heads.


Help! :wacko:


Never mind- I got Beryls Headpack to work. :dance:



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