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steam update for FONV


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It's probably crashing because you're running NVSE, which is not compatible with the latest patch. We'll have to wait for it to be updated.


I read through about half of the fixes/changes in the link. Most of them don't affect me much, but at least they fixed that real annoying cazador sting sound. No more random SPLASH!

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my game crashed while I was playing. We are having a thunderstorm and the power also went out. When it came on I found steam had updated to a new non nvse friendly verson . I found that if you start using the steam launcher you get a message telling you to update nvse then the game starts .So you can play.
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Well I did and didn't, Scottmack. I went outside on my computer and started playing Minecraft. Take that, dirt!!!


I'm totally locked out, greggory. Can't even get to the main menu. Oh well *dig*dig*dig*dig*

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Damn it... And it will probably go a week or two before I can continue on my mod that contains scripts heavily made with Script Extender...


What are they going to "fix" this time? Some quest that really no one cares about or what?

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