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add NEW animation into Skyrim


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Every actor has a skeleton, I were merely talking about static objects without skeletons.


I sow import from dragon age game, somebody made a tank wheels to spin.


This is the comment I'm referring to, regarding the need of a skeleton, and the need of something to activate the script, as there are not by default anything in the game that would activate an animation for such a static object (I know it's from another game tho). Therefor he needs something to ACTIVATE the script. Same thing goes for custom animals. There can be a folder with custom animations, but the custom animal WONT take the animation into account if you don't put any sort of activators for the animation to run, which should of course be done by the mod author.


I know you are the author of FNIS, so I trust that you know a lot more about this than me. I'm just simply stating, that every animation needs an activator. So if you place new "dancing" animations in your game folder, something needs to run them on you. I'm not going in depth with how it works, I don't know anything about that :P


Sorry for posting misleading comments.

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Ok ok, but if i use FNIS to add for example a hug animation or a hello animation activate by a dialog, The player Will not have to use a kind of spell to load the animation ??? Because i don't see how FNIS is working and how to use it ?!

May I ask, do you have a specific animation in mind, or are you creating your own?

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So you want to, for example, do a hand-shake with formal people. And if the dragonborn has a good friendship with someone, he should give them a highfive?


I don't know specifically how to do this, but you probably need to run the animation, through a script, whenever the dragonborn, for example, meets an NPC.

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