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Everything posted by krisser143

  1. Backup the game exe file and replace the new one when it updates. There really isn't more to it, the updates don't bring any fixes anyways.
  2. i ned code i get game please send xoxo thnk u
  3. It has been done http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/25000/
  4. Even though we are getting a total website overhaul soon, I really think that this is a small enough change to incorporate to support Imagus and other image enlarger plugins. Whenever you hover over an image in the images search, the weird overlay thing pops up, effectively stopping Imagus and HoverZoom from knowing that you are hovering over said image. By simply making the overlay's class "image-overlay" pointer-events: none it works fine. I've already tested this, and it changes nothing in terms of functionality. I'm really looking forward to the website overhaul, it's going to be great!
  5. In response to post #43210330. Why though, it was the main selling point that you don't touch your data folder, and are able to handle conflicts MUCH better.
  6. Any fixes to SSL? My browser redirects back to HTTP when i enter the site as HTTPS.
  7. That's what I told you. I just linked the video to you if you were afterall also asking how to convert to hkx. But seriously, PM fore, and ask him. He is VERY good at animations. He is after all the author of FNIS you know. Else you might want to search around for some mods of the same kind, and PM the author with your questions. I'm sure some will answer! And I think there is a mod author sub-reddit somewhere, I did find it some time ago (not /r/skyrimmods). Good luck!
  8. No probs. Just scroll a bit, the guy talks a lot. And remember to watch the other parts. I didn't watch all the parts, so I'm only assuming that he's only describing how to create animations, not how to run them in-game.
  9. That's definitely not my department! I can only guide you so far, to tell you that you probably would need a script to activate your animations. BUT, I did find this specific gem (a series of videos), that explains how to make the animations files. However the scripting or behaviors, as Fore mentioned, is out of my reach. I would suggest you to PM fore on that topic.
  10. So you want to, for example, do a hand-shake with formal people. And if the dragonborn has a good friendship with someone, he should give them a highfive? I don't know specifically how to do this, but you probably need to run the animation, through a script, whenever the dragonborn, for example, meets an NPC.
  11. For what specific purpose? Is it dancing animations, or something alike?
  12. May I ask, do you have a specific animation in mind, or are you creating your own?
  13. Every actor has a skeleton, I were merely talking about static objects without skeletons. This is the comment I'm referring to, regarding the need of a skeleton, and the need of something to activate the script, as there are not by default anything in the game that would activate an animation for such a static object (I know it's from another game tho). Therefor he needs something to ACTIVATE the script. Same thing goes for custom animals. There can be a folder with custom animations, but the custom animal WONT take the animation into account if you don't put any sort of activators for the animation to run, which should of course be done by the mod author. I know you are the author of FNIS, so I trust that you know a lot more about this than me. I'm just simply stating, that every animation needs an activator. So if you place new "dancing" animations in your game folder, something needs to run them on you. I'm not going in depth with how it works, I don't know anything about that :P Sorry for posting misleading comments.
  14. You could add a new animation to an animal, sure, but no script would trigger it. You basically need a script PLUS an animation. Animations don't run automatically, just because they are in the folder. So if you want to add more variations of running animations to a bear, you would need a script to run the new animations, and switch between them. Or if you want to add animations to something that has a skeleton, let's say a mannequin, you would NEED to alter the mannequin script, to run the specified animation. Or, if you would like to add a dancing animation to your character, you would NEED to have a script that activates your animation, for example on a button press. Script + Animation + Skeleton = A new animation. Won't work without one of those three elements.
  15. Did you try to: 1) Go out of the cell she spawns in, save and exit 2) Remove the mod 3) Load up the game 4) Save 5) Close Skyrim 6) Reinstall 7) Load up again
  16. Not quite true. :smile: FNIS provides the fuctionality to add (new) custom combat animations. FNIS PCEA2 makes it available for the player. So does XPMSE in part. For NPCs no such mods exist, but FNIS provides the fuctionality (for modders) to do so. FNIS Spells V5_0_1 -- ADD-ON for the spells Tho it is true that the mod needs to be made for the FNIS plugin (afaik). BUT, it makes you able to toggle different animations, so it is worth trying after all. FNIS behavior is just a patch to allow you to replace animations, as well as using custom skeletons.
  17. Location: She lives in the Thieves Guild Headquarters and is member of Thieves Guild Faction. You need to put the folders meshes, textures, SKSE and the file tanya.esp in your Data folder, as well as installing SKSE.
  18. Could you perhaps send a link to the follower mod? And remember to read the installation guide on the mod's Nexus page, to make sure you are installing it properly.
  19. Use FNIS spells addon (download from the official FNIS file section). It allows you to have a lot of animations, that you can trigger whenever you wish. There are probably some mods that makes this easier, but try it out, might work well for you.
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