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Nexus mod ID needed for ModOrganiser


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Hi Guys


Hopefully a simple query with a simple solution.


I am currently updating all my biggest mods I have installed manually because I had been downloading the .zip instead of just clicking on the 'download with manager' button. The other day I noticed this: Left pane right click mod > information > 'Nexus info' tab.


It seems all I need to do is input the mod ID and ModOrganiser will be able to update the mod on the click of a button if it is required. Unfortunately I have not been able to find such a number, has anyone else been able to?



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  • 6 months later...

I figured it out. The large number of a file like, "Deadly Dragons v6.4.1-3829 -6-4-1b.rar" is the id. So 3829 would be the mod nexus id. I still have not figured out why I can no longer log into nexus from Skyrim mod organizer.

Edited by nilok
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Maybe because ModOrganizer is no longer supported and NMM Beta will become obsolete as well. Anyway the Nexus ID is in the URL of the mod as well: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73661/? 73661 is the ID.


My MO has anyway no problems with logging into my nexus account.

Edited by Project579
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I still have not figured out why I can no longer log into nexus from Skyrim mod organizer.


  1. Go to Setting(screwdriver&spanner)
  2. Check the detail in Nexus Tab is correct
  3. Then in Workarounds Tab in NMM Version you may to update it. It should same as Last Supported NMM version so Legacy, you can try something newer if you like.

What I use do when the Nexus changed it NMM downloading rules...... but you shouldn't be having problems because of Legacy -> 0.52.3

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Yeah I already tried that workaround, before posting here. No luck. NO big deal I just had to download them and query them all. Thanks for reply though.



I still have not figured out why I can no longer log into nexus from Skyrim mod organizer.


  1. Go to Setting(screwdriver&spanner)
  2. Check the detail in Nexus Tab is correct
  3. Then in Workarounds Tab in NMM Version you may to update it. It should same as Last Supported NMM version so Legacy, you can try something newer if you like.

What I use do when the Nexus changed it NMM downloading rules...... but you shouldn't be having problems because of



Edited by nilok
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