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I have an ambitious proposal for you guys. This will definitely have to wait for the geck, and it will take a lot of work, time and modding skill, but I think it would be well worth it, and I think it's doable. I think a mod like this would finally make chaotic evil characters a viable option in Fallout 4 for the first time, something that really, REALLY needs to happen. We need some real alternatives to playing the good guy characters that Bethesda obviously wants us to play, or the lawful evil (read: mustache-twirling Mel Gibson movie villain) Institute sympathizer.


Without further ado, I propose that there should be a mod that allows the player to become a raider: a mod that allows players to build raider settlements using the in game construction set, featuring a raiderized (read: covered in blood, spikes, mangled body parts, etc.) settlement beacon that, instead of attracting friendly "Settlers" to your settlement, brings (friendly) raiders who you can issue commands to, have guard your settlements from any and all intruders, and even send on raids to gain resources that will be added to the workshop upon success.


I would suggest giving raiders a chance to fail upon being sent to raid on their own, which could result either in them surviving but failing to get any loot or them failing to return (either due to death, desertion or capture). A good place to start though might just be simply adding in raider radiant quests where you personally organize a raid against a settlement upon someone like a raider equivalent of Preston Garvey giving you intel on a promising target. I would also suggest that having low "Happiness" or morale in a raider settlement should eventually result in a substantial portion of the settlement becoming hostile and attacking the others the next time the player shows up, where the amount of rebels depends on the happiness of the settlement.


I think the best way to do this would be to create a sort of mini-alternative to the main questline where, instead of helping the Minutemen/Brotherhood/Railroad faction, finding the institute and doing all that jazz, you would finish an introductory raider quest and then begin colonizing settlements for your own raider faction. All other raiders would remain hostile to you as well as to all the raiders in your faction (as would be consistent with the lore on the constantly bickering raider factions in the commonwealth). In addition to that, you would (naturally) become hostile to every faction in the game, except perhaps in specific locations/situations like combat zone. This would obviously mean you cannot complete the main quest after crossing the point of no return in the raider questline.


This would require a good bit of voice acting for the quests and any necessary new voicework for the raiders at player settlements. It would also obviously require minimally someone with skill at retexturing, and ideally someone able to go beyond that and add new textures to various existing settlement objects to make them more raideresque. The geck also seems crucial for adding in the raider questline and setting up the proper faction relationships, raid mechanics etc.


All told this would be a lot of work, but I think it would add a hell of a lot more to the game than any of the DLCs thus far. Let me know what you guys think about the idea. Hope to see something like this in due time whenever Bethesda finally releases the geck.

Edited by GodkingAustin
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