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I can't wait to see your reactions when it comes to start times with that Momentus HD. So have you purchased the parts yet?? Edited by Thor.
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ughh NO!!!


lol for the last time, i cannot build this PC and it wont be build for months! could be as late as next May or June!


i planned on building one this summer, the week i was planning on building it, i got into an accident and wrecked my car. the money that was going to my PC then went into buying me a new car. my job, while decent paying, is only for the summer (prolly ends around Sept or Oct if im lucky) therefore any extra money has to be for college and gas and car insurance and whatnot. now of course i plan on getting a winter job, BUT i wasnt able to find one last winter so there is a possibility i might not find one this winter, though ill do what i can to make sure it doesnt happen again. and even if i get a winter job it prolly will be something like an $8 hour job to tie me over, in which case i might only make enough to pay for college gas and insurance in which case i wont be able to afford my PC until i go back to my Summer job around may or june and have saved up the required money (roughly $1500)


stop rubbing it in that i cant build it lol, im already dieing inside!



though like ive said, its a good thing i didnt build my PC when i did. i didnt know enough when i built it. it wouldnt have been as good as this one.

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? is that concidered full time pay?? in the states. Here minimum wage is 10.25$, full is around 12$ an hour. All though the taxes are higher. it makes up for the wage differences.


It does have benifits free health care, thats where it goes, most of it anyways.


Last time i checked minimum wage in the states was 5$.

Edited by Thor.
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minimum is i believe $7.50. i get $12 where i am right now and thats considered pretty good....as well as 44 hours on average, though summer is slowing down and my job is tourist dependent, so my hours are slowing down, im getting roughly 38 now.
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:smile: I hope things turn around for you, it was getting interesting. I hope these specs other then the probable Bulldozer cpu you might get once you have enough funds, and possible windows 8 :dance: Edited by Thor.
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yea im hoping there are some badass combos available when i buy my parts lol.


i could get it now if i had credit, but i dont have any credit...if i had good credit, i could use Newegg Preferred Account, buy all the parts now and pay next summer, no interest or anything. im trying to get a credit cards so i can pay for college with it, pay off the credit card, get good credit, and i might go this route, but even then its stil a few months away, but would be more like jan/feb instead of may/june.....i dont mind waiting though. cause by may/june bulldozer will be out, maybe more then one edition...as well as price drops and all that and more knowledge on my end. as i said, had i rushed it and bought it earlier, my build wouldnt have been this good, albeit good enough, for my needs, but not this good, and for the same price roughly.

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