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Body replacers


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In what order should I do body replacer, item, BBB, texture, meshes, and all that stuff. Could you give me a list of how you would go about adding mods?


<<super new to this and have spent many hours working on getting it down. 8)

Sure - A General Order for Installing Mods


It's nice to hear some users really want to learn about the how's of mod management on occasion, ha-ha.




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I have the HGEC H-Cup body with Ozmos Hi Res skin, hair & face, and BBB and Women's Move animation - which are all working perfectly. My question is - why do all the female NPCs have the exact same body type as my character, as well as having the BBB animation? I was in Makhor Cameran's Paradise and there were some of the followers walking around topless. Then I noticed that everything I had done to my character had also appeared on them. All except for Women's Move animation, and while my character has that, they do not.


Is the only way to change this to install a mod that changes the NPCs walks, clothing & body types independently of my character?

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I have the HGEC H-Cup body with Ozmos Hi Res skin, hair & face, and BBB and Women's Move animation - which are all working perfectly. My question is - why do all the female NPCs have the exact same body type as my character, as well as having the BBB animation? I was in Makhor Cameran's Paradise and there were some of the followers walking around topless. Then I noticed that everything I had done to my character had also appeared on them. All except for Women's Move animation, and while my character has that, they do not.


Is the only way to change this to install a mod that changes the NPCs walks, clothing & body types independently of my character?


Body replacers currently affect EVERYBODY, but I hear there's a mod in the works to change that. Animations can be player-only if you use Mayu's Animation Overhaul or if the mod uses a specialanim (which can be glitchy).


Besides, the place is called Paradise. You really think Cameron would be above having some topless servants?

Edited by rinoaff33
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Yeah, all characters share the same body (which is kind of sad). I think VORB is pushing that boundary, but, yeah... On the animation side of things, the character actually has their own animation. All characters can be assigned different animation, which is why you see mods like Sensual Walks ballooning to cover a bunch of mod-added NPCs.


Women's move is PC only. Doesn't the author recommend another mod on that page? You might want to try Sensual Walks, if anything.




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I use electrro's BBB Designer body spell to give some variety to the ladies.

Thanks to all who replied.


Striker879 - Interesting mod. I read the description, but couldn't tell if this spell is permanent, or temporary. That is, once you change an NPC's body type, they can never go back to the vanilla look? So, once you had changed say - a City Guard to an HGEC C-cup with BBB and Pretty Woman Walk, you would then need to download an Armour replacer for that NPC's particular body and amour type? And you would have to do the same for all the body types? My only concern is that I don't want my Player Character messed with - only want to change the NPCs.

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I use electrro's BBB Designer body spell to give some variety to the ladies.

Thanks to all who replied.


Striker879 - Interesting mod. I read the description, but couldn't tell if this spell is permanent, or temporary. That is, once you change an NPC's body type, they can never go back to the vanilla look? So, once you had changed say - a City Guard to an HGEC C-cup with BBB and Pretty Woman Walk, you would then need to download an Armour replacer for that NPC's particular body and amour type? And you would have to do the same for all the body types? My only concern is that I don't want my Player Character messed with - only want to change the NPCs.


One very basic fact that you need to know is that clothes and armor are not "worn". Instead, when you or an NPC equip a new cuirass (for example) your entire upper body is switched to an upper body that has that cuirass equipped. (This also means that the model for a cuirass would have to include an upper body as well). I don't actually have that mod, but other set body mods (which is the kind of mod that one is) work by forcing naked NPCs to equip a piece of "naked clothing".


That's why there are only naked screenshots for the mod. Their body types don't actually get changed, they're just wearing some naked clothing that looks like another body type. When they put on some other armor or clothing, they'll switch back to looking like your default body type.

Edited by fg109
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Once you cast the spell on an NPC they stay with that body until you cast the spell on them again and either revert to default (that is which ever body you have installed and all characters must use without the spell) or pick a different body. As fg109 points out, the clothes or armor 'become' the part of the body they cover. One of the problems with that is if you really like a piece that is designed for a body that is not texture compatible with your default installed body you can get weird colouring problems. With electrro's mod you would just change yourself or that particular NPC to a body that is compatible with the armor or clothing you want to use. If you want naked NPCs you need to kill them and take their inventory and then 'resurrect 1' them, otherwise they'll be wearing the same clothes/armor they had on before you cast the spell on them. If it's vanilla clothes/armor usually no weirdness results, but they won't show the bust size change until you get their gear off.


The BBB Designer body spell mod has two spells, one for changing your player character and one for changing NPCs. It doesn't include any animations, such as Pretty Woman etc. They will need to be downloaded and installed separately. I personally use fore's excellent NoMaaM Animation Replacer and use the Construction Set to apply different walks on an individual basis where I want to use walks from other mods (NoMaaM includes some optional files you can use for that purpose).

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