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Complete noob, wondering if a quite simple idea is possible (opacity; display ingredient effects)


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Hi, I've read the pinned post about project ideas/requests so I'm not asking anybody else to make these mods, I just want to know how much they'd involve. The only modding experience I have is adding some sound features to a silent ASCII roguelike which is probably more intimidating than Morrowind, hopefully.


The first is a tiny change I'd like to make: adjusting the opacity of the menu "help" boxes (the mouse-over pop ups). I don't know what can and can't be changed but seeing as there's a setting for the menu itself, I'm hoping this can be added in. I feel like Bethesda did it backwards, only allowing the background menu to be translucent and not the overlays!


The second is to have plants/ingredients' effects pop up beneath their name when you mouse over them in the game world. I don't know if this is feasible and I imagine it would be more work than such a minor change may suggest. The display that you get when mouse hovering in the menu could suffice but only in conjunction with the first idea because otherwise that black box would be to obstructive. Completely perfect vision of this would be only displaying the known effects and not the ??????s and a more elegant version could be just displaying the icons rather than text.


I'm basically looking for an estimate/challenge level so your wisdom would be appreciated.



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