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Aurlyn Alternate Mod Page


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An alternate page that shall serve as a sanctum from the Mod Picker tempest raging across all the land. All links here are current, unless otherwise stated. Description and credits located in the Aurlyn ReadMe odt file, found in the Aurlyn Info folder, in the Main File. Thanks!



Edited by mlee3141
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All links have now been disabled, thanks to a certain toxic post over on the Reddit SkyrimMods, even after I showed extreme objectivity by posting a copy of my mod link compendium there. I apologize to the users, and I sincerely hope that Aurlyn will be publicly available shortly.

Edited by mlee3141
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As you apparently feel the need to repeat these subjective view points on situations in every place, I feel I am within my rights to defend myself in those places as well. A quote from my previous post on the matter:


I asked you to stop posting inflammatory language on a situation without any context or objectivity in an attempt to incite people against something you personally didn't agree with on a single community. It was nothing to do with mod picker, it was nothing to do with users as whole, only my personal request that you either be as objective as you claim you were in all discussions and show people the respect of replying to them about a situation you raise, or don't post at all so that our community can remain the equal and respectful place that we worked hard to make it.

Please don't go around and blame me on other communities for your personal decisions in response to that.



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