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Not sure how hard this would be


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Better Potions has a simple potion bottle that it uses as a replacer. The mod is free to use, so I was wondering if someone can take that potion model and incorporate different colored versions of it for health, magicka, stamina ETC. I played around with the colors in GIMP and it looks good, but i dont know about meshes or replacers ingame



Edited by Hexxagone
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Depending on how the author set up the model, one would have to either separate out and recolor a few texture files (easy) or change properties in the 3D model (also easy). I've spent entirely too much time on the Nexus tonight, but if no one does this for you by tomorrow, PM me and I'll look into it.

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I created a model, but I don't have time to test it in-game. Remind me tomorrow?


It's challenging to get the color right. It seems to be pretty dramatically influenced by the textures on the glass, and possibly the lighting -- I have to set it up in-game to test it.


Speaking of, do you want an ESP to serve as a replacer, or do you just want the model (NIF)? How should I send the files to you?

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I would like it as a replacer please. I was thinking:


Red bottle - Health potions

Blue bottle - Magicka potions

Green bottle - Stamina potions

Yellow bottle - All other potions (the yellow round bottles in the vanilla game and resist potions etc)

Black bottle - Poisons


If that is possible, you're the boss here. You don't have to change the unique bottles like White Phial, Potion of Blood, Sleeping Tree Sap and Skooma.



Edited by Hexxagone
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