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Oblivion Halberd Weapon Mod


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Lately, I am drawn to xolitaire's halberd weapon posted in youtube. It's just so happen that he/she isn't sharing that beautifully created halberd to anyone in the public. I also happen to like this anime show Date Alive about Kotori's Camael weapon that has something to do with the topic. Because the battleaxe handle of this game is short I wonder if anyone has a battleaxe mod with a handle as long as a halberd. If I can't have xolitaire's modded halberd, at least, hopefully, that I could get this alternative request.

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Not really. Although, after I posted this request I found this halberd mod in oblivion from eagle sc0ut. The problem with that mod is the fact that it won't work on my game. I followed how to do it, even tried a couple of scenarios, but somehow, when I opened the game, the halberds are all exclamation marks - "!"


I'm mostly attracted to double edge axes with longer handles. Sorry if I sound picky.


If no one knows xolitaire's halberd weapon in youtube, the link is:

he/she has a couple of videos that also shows the weapon.

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The exclamation mark is the game telling you it can't find the mesh. If you don't see a bunch of posts reporting that in the mod comments that means you haven't installed it correctly.

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I don't understand. I mean, when I download the mod and unzip everything, all I can see is a couple of .nif files, a .esp file, and instructions. I followed every bit of info that I need to do, even to the point of using oblivion mod manager on another scenario, yet still end up with similar outcome. It's frustrating to not get the idea of these things, like I'm trying to understand a different kind of language I never heard of.

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Meshes will always be found in some subfolder of the Oblivion\Data\Meshes folder (e.g. Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Weapons\SomeWeaponMod\MyCoolSword.nif). It won't necessarily need to be in the Weapons folder (so it could be Oblivion\Data\Meshes\SomeWeaponMod\MyCoolSword.nif ... or even Oblivion\Data\Meshes\MyCoolSword.nif) but the path to the NIF file must match exactly to what has been set in the Construction Set for that item (i.e. what is set in the included ESP).


None of this made any sense to me when I first started either. I'm fortunate that I brought a very strong background in how file systems work and how to use Windows Explorer, so I didn't need to get my head around any of those issues before tackling how this modding the game stuff works. A very common problem is copying the files to the wrong folder (often a sign is you see a Data folder inside your game's Data folder ... e.g. Oblivion\Data\Data\Meshes\... or Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Data\... or possibly the same only with Meshes like Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Meshes\... etc).

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Some of the mods I download though have pre-made folders of which where and what category it goes - with the help of the creator's instructions, of course. It shows how I was able to download some of the weapon mods really easy. This one, eagle sc0ut's halberd mod, however got me by surprise the moment I open it; and the instructions are slightly incomprehensible, which got me a hard time. But since you mentioned about how it works manually I will follow your way, and I wholeheartedly appreciate your help.


Anyhow, what do you or anyone like to recommend me to download what I have been requesting, other than undead knight and medieval weapons mod?


P.S. English is my third language......

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Your English is perfectly fine.


Yes normally mods will unpack and you'll be able to see the folder structure and see where the files and folders should go in your game folders. Unfortunately not all mod authors are as good at getting their mod packed that way so sometimes you need to do a little detective work. One helpful tool is NifSkope. With it you can open a mesh NIF file and examine where it expects to find the textures.


In this case, to find where the game expects to find the mesh I think you'll need to use the Construction Set v1.2.


Both aren't perhaps the easiest to understand when you are first starting out, but as you understand more about mods and how they work they are handy things to use.


That Medieval weapons mod is about the only one that comes to mind for me. Those same weapons are used in other mods, such as Local Guards Features, which is probably where I learned about the modder's resource that I linked before.


It's not exactly the style of mod I look for, but perhaps you may find something in a mod by jojjo?

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Quite honestly, It's a lot to swallow for someone like myself. I am still glad I get to know this info from you however, and will think about it if I get the opportunity. The only thing that holds me back is how it will affect my game experience and the game itself. Like what you said, it may take some time for me, an amateur, to get the whole principle of mods. The only worst thing I could think about is maybe corrupt the game if I do it wrong.


Other than that, I am starting like jojjo's mod regarding to warglaives after you mentioned this author.



- :happy: Thanks :happy:-

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For finding where the game expects to find the mesh, you can also use TES4Edit, it is a lot faster and a lot easier (maybe, if the plugin is small and/or you do not have CSE installed) for just finding resource paths for stuff, and since you are playing around with mods, you probably have it already. The mesh paths should be under (plugin name) -> Weapon -> (weapon editor ID) -> Model where you should have Model Filename (mesh path) and Icon Filename (icon path). As was said by Striker, you need NifSkope to check where the textures need to be placed (they should be somewhere like NiNode -> NiTriStrips -> NiTexturingProperty -> NiSourceTexture).


You can find the latest NifSkope here, it should work if you just want to check some paths and such: https://github.com/jonwd7/nifskope/releases


Edit: Ooooops. Ninja'd by the OP. :ninja:

Edited by Contrathetix
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