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Oblivion Halberd Weapon Mod


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No problem tang ... you've made a good start. Nobody understands all this stuff right away. It will gradually get easier the more you try to do (and for me at least after making some mistakes).

If I may hijack a bit ... Contra, my trip got moved ahead a little, so don't expect the next Umbra report until Sunday at the earliest.

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I'll be releasing a mod called Expanded Weaponry that adds halberds (albeit not many), among many other weapons, to the game. I plan on releasing it in early May. If this sounds like a good fit for you, then terrific. Hopefully mine will prove easier to install (it took me a long time to get the hang of file structure with modding too).


I'll second Striker that your English is quite good.

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Wow, I did not expect to get a lot of replies on such short notice. Thank you all so much for being patient and informative, and I look forward to all of the things I concisely absorbed and learned from all of you, so that way I could do this without any fuss. Believe it or not, I already jot some notes, even the ones that are full of jargon.


Never could have done this without all of your help.

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LOL ... jargon, don't get me started on that!!


It was one of those hurtles that needed to be jumped when learning all this. And soon you will hardly remember having trouble with that, and it will be some other more advanced thing that will have you scratching your head and looking for answers.


Best part is, it doesn't really stop (unless you want it to of course). Seems there is always something new to learn.

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Thanks for telling, Striker. I am a little bit out and about somewhere that got me distracted away from the game and this community. And yes, this is the mod, so far, that I'm looking for. Too bad I can't spend that much time until I finish my nursing entrance exam. With priorities on the side, the mod is awesome - just watching my character holding one of the previewed weapons make me feel accomplished. Thanks Guinefort1 as well for sharing this amazing mod.

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