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The Asaault on the magical world of kids


are child beauty pagents wrong  

19 members have voted

  1. 1. Is this child abuse

  2. 2. are parents pushing their kids into these

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To my understanding the child protective agency doesn't give a flying f*** about anything but physical abuse.


They also claim to respond to "neglect" but I think the legal definition for this is just physical neglect.


I could be wrong though.

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There is neglect and then there is this pathetic example...

In February 2009, two judges in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, plead guilty and resigned from the court and the state bar as part of an ongoing federal investigation. The judges were accused of accepting kickbacks totaling $2.6 million between 2003 and 2007 in exchange for sending children to newly built child holding centers run by Pennsylvania Child Care and Western Pennsylvania Child Care. Under a plea bargain, the county’s presiding judge, Mark Ciavarella Jr., 58, and a retired senior judge, Michael Conahan, 56, agreed to 87-month prison sentences.

Post Script ..this only came to light after three suspicious deaths and the insistence of the Coroner of Philadelphia who would not let it pass by her watch. For her efforts they attempted to dismiss her until public outcry forestalled that maneuver to silence her.

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The second statement is little overstated but not altogether untrue...the first ..no comment.

Edited by Aurielius
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I am a product of the agencies of which you speak. I am here to tell you that they do a pee poor job at protecting the children under their care. From the age of about 6 or 7 I lived in foster homes or "children's homes of one kind or another". I was treated badly, I was abused, I was kept under lock and key. I learned to believe I was of little or no value, and with very few exceptions I learned that trusting others was a really, really, really bad idea. These places were all under the auspices of Child Protective Services, complete with active social workers on staff and on call, etc., etc., etc.


Children in this country anyway, unless they are fortunate enough to be living with caring, loving parents, are pretty much on their own, and had better be strong and able to survive childhood within their own little heads and bodies. Or be lucky enough to have the occasional encounter with an adult or another child who will help them along the way. The greed and insensitivity of adults when it comes to children is phenomenol. Some will use and/or abuse a child as if he or she is just another piece of equipment. Children in beauty contests is a typical example of that sort of thing, but hardly the only one. No six year old child has ever woken up one morning and said of his or her own volition, "gee I want to become a beauty queen". Just doesn't happen. Any parent who wants to pretend that is does, needs to seriously examine his or her own psyche.


That is my take on this subject for now...

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